I think it's hilarious that a GME speculator whose property has been declining all weeks is chiding holders of a coin that quadrupled over the same time period.
(I might also relay that I was directly told by a mod a few weeks ago to not link to my coin of interest, upon threat of expulsion, while nearly every day I see people in here pumping everything else without apparent issues. At least the TSLA fanboys are now gone.)
I made about $8k mining etc.
I think right now, given what's going on with GME it's far more likely the doge is being used to distract from the MOASS.
One of the most compelling aspects of holding the GME is just to be part of history in the making!
I think it's hilarious that a GME speculator whose property has been declining all weeks is chiding holders of a coin that quadrupled over the same time period.
(I might also relay that I was directly told by a mod a few weeks ago to not link to my coin of interest, upon threat of expulsion, while nearly every day I see people in here pumping everything else without apparent issues. At least the TSLA fanboys are now gone.)
I held a stock for three years in the red, ended up turning 30% profit on it.
I did really well on Tesla actually, sold at $890.