I feel like I’m in a torture chamber… New lock down rules so severe… Can’t even leave the province - there will be checkpoints. Police can stop anyone for no reason now. Not allowed to be outside or inside with anyone that is not in your household. Can’t leave vicinity of your home. Very restricted shopping options - Many isles blocked off and cash registers won’t even scan items considered illegal to buy now.. Including notebooks and bicycle helmets. Solicitor General Encouraging people to snitch. Many residents cheering this move on. Vaccine commercials are nonstop. Yes we have hotspots in province but as an example there is a city called Waterloo, population 600,000 where there are four people in ICU and 10 people in the hospital with Covid. Same rules. Please… Make this stop! When justice comes I don’t think any politician here is going to survive with their lives! That’s all I look forward to.
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I am in Ontario also. We need to band together, be vocal, be smart and pray. The devil and his evil tyrants want to control us, exploit us and exterminate us. If you have not accepted the Lord as your Saviour, it would be a good time to do so. As for me, my eternal destiny is sealed. These evil tyrants cannot take my salvation away from me. But they appear to want to take everything else away from us. God help us.
Here is the latest edict from Ontario Ontario extends lockdown and ups police enforcement
Don’t get depressed or panicked. Get angry
Correct… I just can’t believe so many people are supporting this. I know Not everyone, but the really angry ones are at most 20%. I think the majority actually believe the wild speculation which is pure propaganda to frighten.
I always knew there were really stupid people in thw world, I just didn't realise how many.
I'm amazed they can even tie their shoelaces at this point. Starting to believe there are differnent species of humans tbh.
Studies have shown when there is fear, rational thinking goes out the window. I have not been afraid of this virus for a long time… But what has surprised me, those who were maybe not so afraid at the beginning are now extremely afraid. That seems to be in the majority.