There are some crimes for which there can be no allowance for continuation in society, and some criminals who cannot be rehabilitated.
If there is no path where they can ever be allowed to reenter society what is the point of the rest of society paying to feed them and shelter them and give them a safe long life?
Criminals of this caliber, that are reasonably determined beyond redemption should not be killed out of hatred, or anger, or even justice, but out of compassion for the rest of humanity. Pity these criminals, empathize with their plight of a hard life, but remove them and look forward to a brighter future for all humanity.
There are some crimes for which there can be no allowance for continuation in society, and some criminals who cannot be rehabilitated.
If there is no path where they can ever be allowed to reenter society what is the point of the rest of society paying to feed them and shelter them and give them a safe long life?
Criminals of this caliber, that are reasonably determined beyond redemption should not be killed out of hatred, or anger, or even justice, but out of compassion for the rest of humanity. Pity these criminals, empathize with their plight of a hard life, but remove them and look forward to a brighter future for all humanity.