It's long talk broken into 7 parts on youtube. I highly suggest everyone watch this when they have an hour to spare.
TLDR: Free energy and UFO's are real. Research "Zero-Point Energy". Quote from Dr. Greer's website "For over 100 years, advances in electromagnetic systems have allowed for the creation of over-unity (more out-put than manmade input) power generation via the zero point energy (ZPE) field and quantum vacuum. Technological progress in the areas of advanced physics and electromagnetic systems, if appropriately supported, will enable humanity to live on the Earth with a minimal footprint with genuine long-term sustainability. For over 100 years, these advanced concepts in energy generation have either been ignored or actively suppressed due to the power of fossil fuel based economic and industrial interests."
The reason we currently are not using free energy is because every time some genius comes up with a great invention for free energy or other disruptive technologies, a corporation would come by and offer that genius millions of dollars to essentially buy ownership of their free energy technology. The genius then says "Well, this corporation just offered me life changing amounts of money so I'm going to sell this technology and be rich for the rest of my life!". Then the corporation takes the technology and puts it on a shelf in a vault, never to be seen again.
Government agents would show up at the inventors house and say "We are going to take all of the stuff you just made and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it."
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
To paraphrase his thinking,
'Any planet advanced enough to have attained superluminal/faster-than-light propulsion associated tech, would either have learned to make peace with one another (spiritually and practically) - or else blown themselves up'.
In terms of evolution, it would be self selection for peacefulness and goodwill - for their own survival.
They would not resemble projections of humankind's primitive propensity for violence and war.
Also they would have mastered free energy, and have no need for anyone else's resources.
So the overwhelming likelihood is, that the vast majority of spacefaring civilizations are peaceful.
ADD: Even on our planet, we have spiritual teaching/vision/prophecy like,
'And they shall not learn to make war anymore...'
That seems like a lot of well frankly naive assumptions to make. Perhaps he’s right. But still.
The public has been fed a ton of narratives about all this.
The possibility and nature of sentient extraterrestrial life is a hugely hot-button issue, and could also intersect with people's deeply held religious perspectives.
IMO that makes humanity vulnerable. Which means ds has been busily trying to commandeer and weaponize this issue every way it can, using sophisticated psyops techniques.
They have successfully 'taught' us to fear that evil ETs abound, and to think otherwise (that good may abound) is gullible. Just look at what happened in (the H'wood programming?) movie Independence Day, to all those ditzy, alien-welcoming idiots on the roof of that building in L.A.!
Or as in another area, they try to instruct people that it's gullible to believe hydroxychloroquine, light, and other health cures already exist.
But practically everything we think we assume we 'know', comes mainly from online, books and movies. We mostly don't actually know.
So first people may have to disengage our minds from whatever spider-webs of disinfo they may be stuck in. And instead discern deeply, to the extent we can.
For now, we can maybe just reserve judgement, and keep ourselves from getting gaslighted or corralled in a certain direction.