Did a gun track replace laugh tracks in our sitcoms?
People are milling about. No one is dying. No one is fighting. There are fires on the ground, but no explosions. They look more like smoky campfires than anything else.
What am I watching?
I thought civil war would be more... I don't know...
I know, I wondered about the 'sound effects' as well. Not until near the end do they start moving, and even then they don't seem to be in too much of a panic. Interesting.
Warring regions of the earth gonna war. They keep adding anti France, but I’m supposed to believe a 3rd world shit hole is so mad over a cartoon they are fighting their government?
Why do I sense the deep state is involved in this? They need a big event. Will a nuke be unleashed? Is Trump ready to reveal the election fraud and MSM needs a big distraction? I see things so differently that I did prior to Q and Trump.
Good golly. All the shooting and the people just openly stand there in the streets. Like it's an every day occurrence. :o(
Did a gun track replace laugh tracks in our sitcoms?
People are milling about. No one is dying. No one is fighting. There are fires on the ground, but no explosions. They look more like smoky campfires than anything else.
What am I watching?
I thought civil war would be more... I don't know...
I know, I wondered about the 'sound effects' as well. Not until near the end do they start moving, and even then they don't seem to be in too much of a panic. Interesting.
Warring regions of the earth gonna war. They keep adding anti France, but I’m supposed to believe a 3rd world shit hole is so mad over a cartoon they are fighting their government?
I mean, it's the religion of peace after all.
Looks like early 90s prerecorded footage, nice res.
Why do I sense the deep state is involved in this? They need a big event. Will a nuke be unleashed? Is Trump ready to reveal the election fraud and MSM needs a big distraction? I see things so differently that I did prior to Q and Trump.
I will pray for your friend.