FedEx Worker who gave interview a few days ago was involved in another fake shooting in 2015, cmon man
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Looking through the search voat links ive seen, i really dont think i did. That said, ive never had a reddit account either. I always focused on the chans as they were always more fun to lurk in, and the main drops happened there.
oh well... you're wrong
how can you make comment about something you totally avoided?
typical bullshit artist
you're full of shit
who gives of fuck if you're pretending to be polite about it?
arrogant fuckstick
Wasn't pretending, but clearly you're capable of a civil conversation.
I've looked through your history too. Haven't been impressed with the optics you run with. If you cant obey the rules, go back to
Don't bother replying either, as far as i am concerned you are a "pro shill" who deserves no air time on anything i have to say. Goodbye forever (blocked).