Visited my aunt today. She’s vaxxed and a full-on Covidiot, I’m obviously not. I’m getting married soon-ish and this is how the conversation went:
Her: “people would feel more comfortable coming if you were vaccinated before the wedding”
Me: “well that’s a personal decision and I won’t be coerced.”
Her: “what if you get Covid and have to cancel?”
Me: (in my head) “I had Covid already over a year ago, and produced antibodies with no illness after being heavily exposed around the holidays. I’m not fucking getting Covid again ?”
Me: “I’m not letting that influence my decision, either.”
She didn’t get huffy with me, thank God, but HOW DARE SHE try to tell me that people won’t come to MY wedding if I’m not vaccinated? I’m home now but damn I wish I would’ve told her “well there’s money saved on catering costs”.
These people...if any of my family refuses to come to my wedding because I’m not vaxxed, well they can kick rocks. This is weeding out the people in my life who care more about me complying with the status quo than sharing in the happiest day of my life. Fuck ‘em. End rant.
Wrong. We ARE the test animals.