If that's what you mean then please don't be drawn into that trap, it's part of the plan to destroy us.
Are people being used to create division? Yes.
Are a lot of those people black? Yes.
Does that mean we should take up the proffered challenge of a race war? No.
There are a lot of POC/Black, whatever their preferred term, that think BLM are idiots and will end up taking them down with them, just like Caucasians are being betrayed by liberal idiots with degrees in underwater lesbian basket weaving.
Are there White people who are racist? Yes. Same with any group. However, we need to understand the nature of the attack to counteract it.
This isn't a race war, as much as the MSM etc. are trying to portray it as such, this is a cultural and spiritual war. Don't let yourself be drawn into fighting on the battleground of their choosing. Cut through the BS and support the people (of whatever creed or colour) that support you.
Don't be misled by the amplification factor of a totally one sided social media, from whichever side.
I might be in a minority, but I don't believe I'm wrong. Isn't that why we are here, to think for ourselves?
Emotions are high, and people are distracted. We (on this forum) should be focussed on the Maricopa audit, not to dancing to the MSM tune that is designed to heighten emotions and reduce reason.
I wouldn't be human if similar thoughts had jot also crossed my mind. My imagination, when wronged, can take me to a very darkly creative space, I'm no goody two shoes, but I'm trying.
If I just sit back and observe people who I think have good hearts being drawn down that path, a path I have seen and do not like how it ends (for anyone) then I would not be true to who I am.
I'm not saying people are wrong to feel the way they do, there is plenty of provocation after all. What I will say is 'is that how you want it to go down, being played like a chump?'.
Sometimes a calming voice can keep people from making rash mistakes. Note, I am not saying 'do nothing' and being a larp etc. What I am saying is be smart.
If that's what you mean then please don't be drawn into that trap, it's part of the plan to destroy us.
Are people being used to create division? Yes.
Are a lot of those people black? Yes.
Does that mean we should take up the proffered challenge of a race war? No.
There are a lot of POC/Black, whatever their preferred term, that think BLM are idiots and will end up taking them down with them, just like Caucasians are being betrayed by liberal idiots with degrees in underwater lesbian basket weaving.
Are there White people who are racist? Yes. Same with any group. However, we need to understand the nature of the attack to counteract it.
This isn't a race war, as much as the MSM etc. are trying to portray it as such, this is a cultural and spiritual war. Don't let yourself be drawn into fighting on the battleground of their choosing. Cut through the BS and support the people (of whatever creed or colour) that support you.
"underwater lesbian basket weaving" Ha! I'm so stealing this!
Full credit should go to Salty Cracker :)
Can’t updoot enough.
The MSM narrative is creating racist ideas, on both sides, BY DESIGN.
Don’t fall for it, pedes.
Don't be misled by the amplification factor of a totally one sided social media, from whichever side.
I might be in a minority, but I don't believe I'm wrong. Isn't that why we are here, to think for ourselves?
Emotions are high, and people are distracted. We (on this forum) should be focussed on the Maricopa audit, not to dancing to the MSM tune that is designed to heighten emotions and reduce reason.
I must respectfuly disagree.
I wouldn't be human if similar thoughts had jot also crossed my mind. My imagination, when wronged, can take me to a very darkly creative space, I'm no goody two shoes, but I'm trying.
If I just sit back and observe people who I think have good hearts being drawn down that path, a path I have seen and do not like how it ends (for anyone) then I would not be true to who I am.
I'm not saying people are wrong to feel the way they do, there is plenty of provocation after all. What I will say is 'is that how you want it to go down, being played like a chump?'.
Sometimes a calming voice can keep people from making rash mistakes. Note, I am not saying 'do nothing' and being a larp etc. What I am saying is be smart.