Covid is fake. Everyone here knows it. The DS knows it too.
You know what else is fake? The vaccine. The DS knows it. Does everyone here know it yet?
The vax is another way to divide us. Vaxed and un-vaxed. Why is Trump pushing it? Why did Ivanka get it?
Remember warp speed. If everyone gets the fake vax to cure the fake virus, what happens to the fake pandemic? Play your role as if you're in a movie.
The DS doesn't want our side to vax because they need the lockdowns to continue. OF COURSE they're going to send Psaki in front of a camera to say us crazy Q followers need to vax. What's her alternative?
But that puts them in a pinch, you see? So what does DS do? They give us a reason to refuse the vax. Oh 7 people died. Oh it'll lead to passports. Oh muh mRNA....
Then to sell the story even more, they pull the Johnson and Johnson vax. Trump even called them out on this move. This is all designed to control us by fear.
We cannot let fear control us. The vaccine is fake, and no more deadly than Covid. We're watching a movie. They never expected a vaccine so soon.
If everyone was vaxed, it would destroy the narrative. Too many people would awaken.
I have spent at least a thousand hours looking at evidence of covid (the symptoms that make up the disease called Covid-19), SARS-cov-2 (the virus blamed for covid), and the various coronavirus vaccines (past and present).
Here are my conclusions. These conclusions may change with additional evidence, but here is where I am at now with all that I have seen:
Given the massive amounts of evidence for real and serious side effects from the vaccines, I think it is highly irresponsible to suggest people take it without addressing every single piece of evidence to the contrary using not just wishful thinking, but scientific inquiry.
Thank you for this! It clearly represents a lot of effort.
Given the thoroughness of your post, I was assuming that you had an expanded version, perhaps with citations. Is that is something you could point us to?
For example, assuming the survival rate of Covid being 99.5% (It is hard to get a real number, since it is grossly over-reported, and we don't know what the rate would be if everyone was given the therapeutics you list), then we have a death rate of 1:200 (which I believe is the high end). Then assuming that vaccine deaths are underestimated by a factor of 5 (I had been assuming 10, based on a Stanford study quoted by Simone Gold, as the typically under-reporting factor for vaccines), then death by vaccine is about 1:4000. Similarly, serious side effects would occur in 1:100 cases.
Then there are the unknowns regarding "pathogenic priming" which I assume means "an over-reaction to the virus should a vaccinated person actual encounter it" and other systemic damages to the body that affect quality of life down the road.
Looking at pathogenic priming: assuming everyone is exposed to the virus (worst case), let's look at a population of 4000 people:
Note that effect of pathogenic priming is non-trivial, even given your small estimate. You have to survive the vaccine AND subsequent exposure to Covid. In fact, you could argue the vaccine makes it more likely that you would die from Covid (1:100) instead of (1:200). No wonder Fauci has recommended continued wearing of the mask even after vaccination.
[Spez: I realized after I wrote this that getting Covid under "pathogenic priming" does not necessarily means that you die. The death rate is probably higher than 1:200, but it is unknown. It should definitely be worse than catching Covid if you have not been vaccinated]
I have many posts on many of these topics with external sources. Would you like to ask a more specific question?
As for your calculations, I do think its possible the vaccines are more deadly than the virus (assuming proper diet). I think they are absolutely more likely to be harmful (without being lethal). But in either case, I don't think the data suggests that either the virus nor the vaccine are very lethal. Not being vitamin deficient also very likely helps with the vaccine.
I do not think it will be trivial, but my first fear was that it would be lethal to 5% of the vaccinated. The preliminary data suggests that may be an over estimate by an order of magnitude. That makes me happy. Of course it could still be in the millions if my estimate is correct, but not in the tens of millions as I first feared.