No idea. Just don't understand why images of Earth have existed as a dome for a long time, that maps exists with Antarctica on them before it was discovered, that NASA has lots of strange videos and pictures during their whole history, etc. Just... strange.
But ultimately not important as I believe in spherical earth and believing that does nothing to help with what is happening on Earth right now. If we had absolute proof that Earth was flat, in a dome or anything else, I would still want peace on Earth, freedom for everyone, monetary and medical system fixed and anything else that happens where we are to be analyzed and done in a proper manner for ultimate good.
Another thing that bothers me is why this question was even answered by Q? Where are all the other conspiracy like questions being answered? Are aliens real? Is there already a one world government? Did Earthlings land on the moon? If it's misinformation, why would this misinformation be important to even bother with?
Flat is level. Earth has mountains and depth of oceans. Not really flat unless you're viewing from far away. Not a flat earther, just saying.
Only idiots think you're going to fall off of the edge of a flat earth. Research.
No idea. Just don't understand why images of Earth have existed as a dome for a long time, that maps exists with Antarctica on them before it was discovered, that NASA has lots of strange videos and pictures during their whole history, etc. Just... strange.
But ultimately not important as I believe in spherical earth and believing that does nothing to help with what is happening on Earth right now. If we had absolute proof that Earth was flat, in a dome or anything else, I would still want peace on Earth, freedom for everyone, monetary and medical system fixed and anything else that happens where we are to be analyzed and done in a proper manner for ultimate good.
Another thing that bothers me is why this question was even answered by Q? Where are all the other conspiracy like questions being answered? Are aliens real? Is there already a one world government? Did Earthlings land on the moon? If it's misinformation, why would this misinformation be important to even bother with?