Its probably because the comminity acts TD retarded when you bring up the topic, so throwaways are used.
Talk about flat earth and theres like these gorilla gnosis gatekeepers go go HOO HOO HA HA NO TALK
Its not just this community, its also the conspiracy community im general. Argument is basically NUT UH MUH SCIENCE U RETARD vs Yo those ppl are lying to you to hide god.
When you are debating something which literally anyone can go out and prove for themselves in at least ten ways, yes you'll shut them down fast, not because you're forcing them to not speak, but because their ideas are so ridiculous that they hold ZERO water.
We shut them down because we're trying to spread truth, not lies. Letting them go spout their bullshit all the time is allowing them to spread lies, which reflects doubly badly on this group because we profess to fight for the truth.
Its probably because the comminity acts TD retarded when you bring up the topic, so throwaways are used.
Talk about flat earth and theres like these gorilla gnosis gatekeepers go go HOO HOO HA HA NO TALK
Its not just this community, its also the conspiracy community im general. Argument is basically NUT UH MUH SCIENCE U RETARD vs Yo those ppl are lying to you to hide god.
Either way to each their own.
How the fuck does round earth defy God?
When you are debating something which literally anyone can go out and prove for themselves in at least ten ways, yes you'll shut them down fast, not because you're forcing them to not speak, but because their ideas are so ridiculous that they hold ZERO water.
We shut them down because we're trying to spread truth, not lies. Letting them go spout their bullshit all the time is allowing them to spread lies, which reflects doubly badly on this group because we profess to fight for the truth.
Your hubris is showing
My hubris? Because I'm not retarded? Because I believe my eyes? Alright.