If you ignore the evidence that presents itself simply because you dislike some (otherwise unrelated) activity of the source, you miss out on potential essential steps on the path to truth.
Some of the best pieces of evidence I have seen come from the words of the NWO/elite/Luciferians themselves.
yes I definitely agree, but it didn't seem like that was OPs intent to me, so that's why I wanted a clarification. to me, it sounded like making excuses for the elite.
Fair enough. I just didn't want anyone to dismiss Freud or anyone else for that matter just because of "he defended pedophilia? I don't know about you, but that alone is enough for me to not listen to anything that evil shit has to say."
Of course it wasn't you that said that, and I should have perhaps responded to that person directly. I guess I misassociated that statement with the post that inspired that statement (yours). My apologies.
Probably because he defended pedophilia? I don't know about you, but that alone is enough for me to not listen to anything that evil shit has to say.
Defender of child molestation
As Freud embarked on the journey of psychoanalysis he came across numerous cases of so called hysterical individuals that showed alarming symptoms and behaviors in adult age. Unsurprisingly most of his patients in the mid-1890s reported early childhood sexual abuse. Initially he proposed that most mental illnesses were related to early sexual abuse (known as the seduction theory) but a couple of years later he took a 180 degree turn and instead concluded that his patients memories of sexual abuse were mere fantasies and completely made up. The new theory instead was named infantile sexuality.
He actually, seriously presented a theory where the cause was not adults preying on children but that the child itself is lusting over his/her parents and seeking bodily/sexual pleasure thereof.
As the Internet Encyclopedia of Psychology describes it: “From his account of the instincts or drives it followed that from the moment of birth the infant is driven in his actions by the desire for bodily/sexual pleasure, where this is seen by Freud in almost mechanical terms as the desire to release mental energy. Initially, infants gain such release, and derive such pleasure, from the act of sucking. Freud accordingly terms this the “oral” stage of development. This is followed by a stage in which the locus of pleasure or energy release is the anus, particularly in the act of defecation, and this is accordingly termed the ‘anal’ stage. Then the young child develops an interest in its sexual organs as a site of site of pleasure (the “phallic” stage), and develops a deep sexual attraction for the parent of the opposite sex, and a hatred of the parent of the same sex (the “Oedipus complex”).
So the kids are fantasizing sexually over their parents and that’s why they have distresses in adult age… oh, thats why...
How the hell are freud and election fraud even remotely connected?
Also wasn't for I just kind of long ago because of theories like the one I posted or his mother obsession I don't know either way you and he are not worth my time have a good day
It's not Totemism, it's Luciferin/Satanic worship of Ba'al and Moloch. Same religion, just different names depending on the area of the World where it's practiced.
i read through this and am curious as to why we would listen to Freud?
If you ignore the evidence that presents itself simply because you dislike some (otherwise unrelated) activity of the source, you miss out on potential essential steps on the path to truth.
Some of the best pieces of evidence I have seen come from the words of the NWO/elite/Luciferians themselves.
yes I definitely agree, but it didn't seem like that was OPs intent to me, so that's why I wanted a clarification. to me, it sounded like making excuses for the elite.
Fair enough. I just didn't want anyone to dismiss Freud or anyone else for that matter just because of "he defended pedophilia? I don't know about you, but that alone is enough for me to not listen to anything that evil shit has to say."
Of course it wasn't you that said that, and I should have perhaps responded to that person directly. I guess I misassociated that statement with the post that inspired that statement (yours). My apologies.
Probably because he defended pedophilia? I don't know about you, but that alone is enough for me to not listen to anything that evil shit has to say.
thanks for explaining so I didn't have to! I owe you a beer;)
How the hell are freud and election fraud even remotely connected?
Also wasn't for I just kind of long ago because of theories like the one I posted or his mother obsession I don't know either way you and he are not worth my time have a good day
It's not Totemism, it's Luciferin/Satanic worship of Ba'al and Moloch. Same religion, just different names depending on the area of the World where it's practiced.
No because adrenachrome isn't for regular people.. It only makes the lizards cum.