I have made this concoction for many years, it is essential to maintaining a optimum immune system.
Equal parts of lemon juice, garlic juice, ginger juice, Braggs apple cider vinegar and honey (1 cup each)
If you don't have one, buy yourself a juice extractor.
You can buy peeled garlic at your grocery store. You need about 5 cups of whole cloves to make 1 cup of juice.
You can find juiced ginger on the web. https://www.swansonvitamins.com/dynamic-health-certified-organic-ginger-juice-unsweetened-16-fl-oz-liquid
8 lemons will give you aprox 1 cup of juice.
Add 1 cup of Braggs apple cider vinegar to all of the above and simmer till you reduce the volume by 1/3. The woman in the video says reduce by 1/2. Once it starts to thicken up I stop simmering it. It will make you house smell for a couple days, I like the smell, my kids hate it.
Depending on the type of garlic you use, the liquid may turn green, this is normal.
Once you are done simmering, add 1-2 cups of honey and stir. I use 2 cups of honey, makes it go a little further. Put it in a one quart canning jar and keep it refrigerated.
I put one tablespoon of this in my smoothies each day. You can also pour a shot glass and drink up, warms you right up. I also use this as a marinade on my chicken, oh so good
Here is a post from earlier that had additional information about building your immune system. https://greatawakening.win/p/12iNGkdffw/did-you-know-you-can-make-your-o/
I also make a concoction using the following items that are said to reverse heart disease and control cholesterol. This helps eliminate atherosclerotic plaque from your circulatory system. Prevent future heart attacks and stokes.
1 cup warm water
1 teaspoon turmeric
pinch of black pepper
Juice 1 lemon
1 tablespoon Braggs apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon of cayenne red pepper
1 tablespoon of the concoction from above
2 tablespoons of honey
This will warm you up as well, The taste is not the greatest but not horrible. Stir like crazy and chug it. It does make you feel good afterwards. I think its the cayenne pepper that helps reduce the plaque in your circulatory system so the more you add, better the effects. Getting used to the heat comes with time. It will make you asshole burn a little when taking a dump ....lol.
Also, Vitamin K will help prevent atherosclerotic plaque in your arteries by regulating calcium deposition in your arteries. https://www.organicfacts.net/vitamin-k.html
Heart disease runs in my family. My grandfather died at age 55(widow maker). My father and both younger brothers have had coronary bypass graphs. (CABG) I myself had a stress test about a year ago and passed with flying colors.
I have been a respiratory therapist for 30 years. All of our patients with respiratory symptoms go in to isolation, masks required. I remember a time when I would get sick every year. I would contract either Flu A, Flu B, RSV, not any more. I don't want to say I have not had a cold in many years because as soon as I say it, I will get sick, lol.
I have taken care of many covid patients over the last year. Some of our covid patients have been so sick they required ECMO (Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation)
ECMO is a form of heart lung bypass that can be provided at the patient bedside. Respiratory therapists manage the ECMO pumps which requires we stay at the patient bedside at all times. Being locked in a room with a covid patient wearing full protective gear sucks but I am not worried about contracting it. We know the masks have their limitations so I attribute my good health to the supplements I take to build my immune system.
Note, all of the covid patients I have taken care of have had several comorbidities. Heart disease, lung disease, heart abnormalities, diabetes, obesity, hypertension being the most common. If you are healthy, do not fear covid, its just a flu. Follow my smoothie routine above(link provided) and you will not get sick.
If you take ACE2 inhibitors for high blood pressure,(Lisinopril) DO NOT miss a dose of your medication. ACE2 inhibitors will help prevent you from contracting covid however if you stop taking it, you will have as much as a 5 times greater chance of developing life threatening symptoms from the covid virus. Covid attaches to your ACE2 receptor sites, ACE2 inhibitors prevents the covid from attaching to your cells. However, over time you develop more ACE2 receptor sites if you are taking inhibitors. If you stop taking your medication you have 5 times the sites that are open to attack by the virus. Get your scripts filled early.
I hope some of my suggestions help you stay healthy, have a good day.
Okey dokey. Thanks.