Hillary Clinton Tweets "#ff" - Well now...
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this is the same bitched who "canceled the freedom fries" at exactly noon on the day of the "2nd insurrection" that we all called them out for being a FF.
the one that didn't happen...
the one that people spotted a bunch of shady fucks leaving the area after the high noon cancelation of the ff
yeah that one.
Ha I forgot about freedom fries
so did every other person in existence until hillary clinton mentioned it in her "oh fuck they figured out this is a false flag and "falseflagtoday" is trending on twitter... so i need to come onto twitter at exactly high noon to cancel the false flag but i can't call it a false flag so i need to call it something else... i know i'll make up some insane stupid shit that doesn't even fit into context about freedom fries and my people will figure out that i meant false flag and cancel it before everyone figures out we not only did this false flag but the other fake insurrection too" tweet.