Then what is the big question because this has been an act of war on the part of China, Iran and others. Knowing they could never stand up to America in a fight this is warfare by other means just as Covid is.
It has been high treason by a great many of our countrymen, perhaps numbering in the tens of thousands but most definitely in the thousands.
And its all set against the backdrop of a Luciferian death cult specializing in child rape and torture. It is worldwide and pervasive in the extreme. It is all the worst parts of the Bible.
The one thing we can be sure of is that this world will be changed forever. The old world has been utterly destroyed and regardless who wins this war we will never go back to what we knew just 2 years ago.
Then what?
Then what is the big question because this has been an act of war on the part of China, Iran and others. Knowing they could never stand up to America in a fight this is warfare by other means just as Covid is.
It has been high treason by a great many of our countrymen, perhaps numbering in the tens of thousands but most definitely in the thousands.
And its all set against the backdrop of a Luciferian death cult specializing in child rape and torture. It is worldwide and pervasive in the extreme. It is all the worst parts of the Bible.
The one thing we can be sure of is that this world will be changed forever. The old world has been utterly destroyed and regardless who wins this war we will never go back to what we knew just 2 years ago.
Prepare and pray.