Coming from CodeMonkeyZ (sorry, I do not have the telegram link): Refusing to pay the insignificant amount of a million dollars just means they have a better plan in place. Consider this a feint.
Stay on your toes and watch. I think he's right. It would be foolish to think they are out of ammunition.
Who fucking cares who discredits is. Are you seriously still stuck on that bullshit? Grow up. The enemy will do whatever they want to paint us however they want, so grow some balls and quit being so afraid of others. We get it, you care about your image and hold it dear. We don’t give a fuck how others paint us.
Nice one faggot. Grow a pair and next time you won’t need to deflect when someone calls you out for being a coward.
Wtf? Project much? Quit acting like a rabid animal because I hurt your ego. Grow up instead of lashing out.