I honestly am wondering if the audit will happen. Or is this another trap set up against the deep state.
You know they can't allow the audit. So you know they will do whatever they have to do to stop it.
I wonder if the plan is all about forcing the deep state to reveal who they really are.
The bottom line. No matter what is revealed by the audit the legal system will not do anything.
The only way is the military may not be what we think it means. It may simply be that the military is a check against anything the deep state might try.
This is still about The Great Awakening. A world wide awakening. Something that has NEVER happened before in human history.
That Great Awakening will not happen top down it can only happen bottom up. A real and true grass roots movement that takes over the world.
The corruption is so bad there is no other way.
Everything is about The Great Awakening. It is not about proving the election was a fraud Just about everybody knows that the election was a fraud even if they won't admit it.
I REALLY HOPE I AM WRONG. If I am right we are looking at going right to the very edge with no hope left. At that point the world will be forced to make a choice . One way or the other no more kicking the can down the road. The choice will be for everything. It will forever change Humanity. There is a reason this has never been tried before in human history. The Great Awakening is a VERY real thing not just a slogan.
Amen patriot. I cannot wait for good to rule the world. And know my family is safe from these sick people.
You and I both Pede, you and I both...