35 Timeline on results of the AZ audit? posted 3 years ago by TexasAggie85 3 years ago by TexasAggie85 +35 / -0 Any thoughts on when the results will be announced? I've heard everything from tomorrow to Mid-May 12 comments share 12 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I heard it's going to be May 12th but my guess is a few days after but will see.
If done in 30 applies, May 22nd is a date to look for relevant deltas.
If we have to wait 10 days for the report to be filed before we learn the results, June 3rd comes min to play.
3 year delta, june 3rd 2018, Q post 1440 https://qanon.pub/#1440
That sounds about right. It ends on May the 12th and adding the following days to write up the report, etc
40 days from today isn't May 12th, it's June 2nd and the 40 days included the report write up timeline, as I understand it.
Sure, sounds even better when you use math.... KEK
6 weeks. 30 days to conduct the audit, another 10 days to write and file the report is what I heard.
I thought they said it could take up to 40 days. They are going over every ballot one at a time looking for alot including signature water marks etc.
Probably sometime next month is my guess
I’m guessing if it’s overwhelming fraud evidence, leaks can happen any day.