This is how real elections should be conducted, with uninterrupted live streaming of everything right down to the details on each ballot. At no time should the location of any ballot not be video recorded and live-streamed.
Some big cities did live feeds. I know Louisville Ky did. Also Philadelphia. But we have the technology, all places should do it. In my town, anyone could go down and watch, but we aren't a big city
This is how real elections should be conducted, with uninterrupted live streaming of everything right down to the details on each ballot. At no time should the location of any ballot not be video recorded and live-streamed.
Some big cities did live feeds. I know Louisville Ky did. Also Philadelphia. But we have the technology, all places should do it. In my town, anyone could go down and watch, but we aren't a big city
I've had this same conversation with people back in November, how the ballot counting should be all livestreamed from all counting centers.