This agency is in charge of securing the elections. NCSWIC means National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators. NCSWIC also refers to Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. The probability that two 6 letters acronyms to be the same is 1/26^6 (26 letters of the alphabet in 6 positions). This is 1/308 915 776. It's still possible this is a coincidence but I would not bet one penny on it. Is it enough to convince you already ?
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You're right, my bad, just corrected it.
It's n factorial:
The number of ways of arranging n unlike objects in a line is n! (pronounced ‘n factorial’). n! = n × (n – 1) × (n – 2) ×…× 3 × 2 × 1
That would be correct with cards for instance, because if you place a queen of heart, you cannot do it twice, but letters are differents. You could repeat the letter C three times, so I still think my calculations are correct. But now that I think about it the probability that these letters would be in that order, I think, would be (1/(26626526426326226*1)), which would amount to 1/ 222 419 358 720. Tell me if I am wrong.
You’re right that it’s not factorial.
Also in calculating probability we could (just toying around with this statistics problem now) include the chance of two acronyms having identical lengths. Most of these would be length 3 to 6, so that’s a factor four you could include. One in 26^6 x 4 = 1.2 billion.