So Judge Coury didn't have a conflict of interest requiring his recusal until Sunday afternoon when a new lawyer, Chris Viskovic, entered his appearance for the first time.
The Judge could not have seen this coming, but attorney Viskovic certainly knew that by his joining the case, that would prompt Judge Coury to recuse himself.
It's right there on his law firm's web page, which states in part:
"Christopher Alfredo Viskovic is an associate attorney with Kolodin Law Group PLLC who received both his Bachelor of Science in Political Science and Juris Doctor from Arizona State University.
During his time in law school, Mr. Viskovic interned with Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Christopher Coury, and the State Elections Director Eric Spencer under Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan."
So this appears strategic on the part of Attorney Viskovic and whoever he is working with. Note that he also worked with the State Elections Director.
This is an underhanded tactic some lawyers use to try to get rid of a judge they don't want on a case they're trying.
So Judge Coury didn't have a conflict of interest requiring his recusal until Sunday afternoon when a new lawyer, Chris Viskovic, entered his appearance for the first time.
The Judge could not have seen this coming, but attorney Viskovic certainly knew that by his joining the case, that would prompt Judge Coury to recuse himself.
It's right there on his law firm's web page, which states in part:
"Christopher Alfredo Viskovic is an associate attorney with Kolodin Law Group PLLC who received both his Bachelor of Science in Political Science and Juris Doctor from Arizona State University.
During his time in law school, Mr. Viskovic interned with Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Christopher Coury, and the State Elections Director Eric Spencer under Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan."
So this appears strategic on the part of Attorney Viskovic and whoever he is working with. Note that he also worked with the State Elections Director.
This is an underhanded tactic some lawyers use to try to get rid of a judge they don't want on a case they're trying.
Hmm, isn‘t there any legal possibility that the Lawyer has to get off that case instead of the judge having to recuse himself?
I mean, the lawsuit was filed last week, and the new lawyer was taken aboard after the initial filing of the suit...
Isn‘t there any legal way to exclude this lawyer and shine some light on this dirty trick?