I got this idea from a comment made by rooftoptendie. I asked it last night and had a few answers, but maybe more people will see the question today.
For those of you who considered yourself leftists but had an awakening and now are on the right, if you would, please tell us about your conversion. What made you rethink your stance? What specific things happened that caused you to become redpilled?
It would be interesting to hear your stories, to try to understand the mindset of a leftist and why they believe and think the way they do. But it may also be very helpful in giving tips to those trying to redpill their family and friends. Please be specific about the thing/s that opened your eyes and really made you question your former belief system. That could be so valuable when redpilling. Thanks if you choose to participate.
I voted for obama both times.
I would he considered an extreme leftist by most of you (I believe socialism can work with technology and a good structure), however, I believe in conservativism (im anti-degenerate culture. I don't care if someone is gay, but when they flaunt it, it shouldn't happen in public.)
I watched the daily show and colbert report to get my news, so I thought all republicans were for big business. Republicans only give tax breaks to the rich, etc. Now I realize it's corruption from both sides trying to enrich themselves.
I was anti-trump all the way. I was a bernie bro. Then bernie lost, and hillary was the candidate, but I knew she was evil.
I was on reddit, and people were painting trump and evil, and hillary as good, and I knew in my gut that was wrong. I noticed NPR was doing it too. That's when I switched to AM radio, and learned I was conservative libertarian.
Larry elder specifically taught me how news should be told, with facts and not emotion.
I also switched to voat, reddit is so bad now.
Voat opened my eyes, and that's when I learned about Q.
I still don't trust trump and Q 100%, but it's better than the alternative.
I want Q to be real, and I want the good guys to win.
I've joked that I'm so far left, I'm actually right.
I believe people can get an abortion, early term, gays should get married and all that stuff, but it needs to stay personal, Parades are not okay.
I Also believe no one should own a gun, including government, but I know that's impossible, so I believe everyone should have one.
I understand real socialism can't work, cause people are mostly lazy, but with well defined rules, we could make it work. We have technology we've never had, which can keep the system honest.
Rant over, I'd rather be a free conservative over a mindless slave.
I know you said it's impossible, but why do you believe nobody should own a gun?
If no one has one, no one needs one. We have other tools we can use.
Not necessarily. Not if you're a very petite woman or an elderly person who has limited ability to move and move quickly. Neither of those people are likely to have much strength. What other tool can a 5'2" woman who is 115 pounds use against a man who is 6'2" and 220 pounds? Now what if that same woman is 70 and riddled with arthritis? At least a gun could give her a fighting chance.
Mech suits
Welcome to the club friend
I disagree with a lot of your views but will upvote for the honesty in answering OP’s question.
I read about spirit cooking and pizza on reddit in 2016, thought "What are the fascistic right wing nazi backwoods peckerheads up to now?" and had a closer look.
About the same time I saw a real redneck on YouTube rebuke to a tornado that was coming straight at his house, he rebuked it in the name of Jesus Christ and it lifted up and over his house so you could see underneath it.
That was a real eye opener for me.
Its still online somewhere but was "edited"
I would love to see that video. Thanks for answering. So basically, you saw something that made you mock the right, but you were clear headed enough to look into it a little further. That seems to be the repetitive key here, that people research things and by so doing, have a change of perspective. Interesting. Thanks!
Don’t you get that “left” and “right” were created by them to divide us. They simply take ideas and beliefs that we hold dear and pretend the other side is threatening them. Kool-aid is kool-aid; makes no difference if it’s red or blue. Somehow people need to see that the people they trust the most (the ones who are supposedly upholding their values) are playing them. That’s what’s so hard. Nobody wants to believe they’ve been played. So, a better question is: how and when did you realize you’ve been played?
Not at all. There are certainly beliefs and ideas that are more to the left and others that are more to the right. I agree that D & R are sometimes interchangeable but there is definitely a distinct L and a distinct R.
I was blessed to have a co-worker who loved to respectfully debate with me. We initially disagreed on a lot. Early 2015 I was fully on board the Hillary train.
You can't tell someone why their beliefs are wrong, you have to lead them there, so they can draw these conclusions themselves.
For me, it began with a series of conversations about big government vs small government. Who should have to pay for what, and why? What are the pros and cons (for example) of private vs publicly funded roads, organizations, etc. You can acknowledge that yes, some government to organize and fund basic public things is good, but then eventually you find things that don't make sense to be coming out of your tax dollars - things that would work just fine via private donations or fees from those that support or want the service. If you really want to mind warp some thinking, ask questions about healthcare. If it's free to you... Who ultimately pays? Who determines the cost? Who pays the doctors? What about their schooling costs? You can snow ball it to a point where they eventually realize that their hard earned money shouldn't be paying for others.
It was all enough to get me interested in what conservative political views actually were, so I did my own reading and research.
I have liberal friends now who are going through their own process, as liberal policies are very negatively affecting their lives. They're seeing what identity politics is doing to screw them out of promotions, simply because they are white. It's caused an awakening.
Good advice, draw them into questioning things and maybe, just maybe they will have the integrity to do some research. That seems to be the turning point, doing their own research. Thanks.
To leftist. To question is the threshold to reality.
I am a former Dem AND a former Repub. My redpill moment that led me to become an Independent Constitutionalist basically took years of research and watching how our leaders never seem to get anything of real value or substance passed. It also took me going into the Navy and travelling the world, going into Navy Special Warfare (EOD) and witnessing firsthand how despotic regimes rule their people and how the U.S. continually works with and supports these regimes. I was already on the cusp of getting out after noticing these things when I broke my back and was forced out.
I was already redpilled on a lot before I even got into high school, but was still too starry eyed and green behind the gills to fully believe what I had already researched. Being a life long skeptic does that to you.