FBI Documents Bombshell: undisclosed entity could have paid for Seth Rich's murder.
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This is my understanding of the term "reptilian" personally.
We all have a reptilian part of the brain though, it thinks in moves, like plotting the next step. It has a hypersensitive focus on intent from others, and likes to compete. It also functions in the presence of adrenalin, when you cannot rationalise. So is part of your survival mechanisms, most ancient.
Martial artists use it when "in the zone". Earl Montagu (RIP) explains the lizard brain in a series of lectures about TaiChi and WuShu on youtube. So they train to move in and out of that state.
It explains why you are able to blink when something comes flying at you. Or why you dive in front of a child when it nearly walks into a hot item. It explains why you visualise hitting someone, and how. That feeling is the lizard brain working, ready in case...
Someone who is perpetually in that space, even aided with extra adrenaline-laced blood (!), is perpetually thinking in brinksmanship, the hairier the more satisfying. The lust for power is addictive, literally.
Think licking lips while seeing someone assassinated. An image of THAT war room when Gaddafi was offed. We came, we conquered, he died. As said by someone high on adrenaline.
Precisely. Particularly the function of the adrenochrome to maintain their mindset.