Call this number and ask that the Honorable Daniel Martin to recuse himself in the Az audit case due to his connection with the democrat firm Perkins Coi (Requested by Liz Harris and the cyberninja team) 602-372-2925 You can call now and leave a message or in the am and talk to a secretary but call before 11am Maricopa county AZ time... I think it’s past 11am over there though ??
Call this number and ask that the Honorable Daniel Martin to recuse himself in the Az audit case due to his connection with the democrat firm Perkins Coi (Requested by Liz Harris and the cyberninja team) 602-372-2925 You can call now and leave a message or in the am and talk to a secretary but call before 11am Maricopa county AZ time... I think it’s past 11am over there though ??
Extra points if you can get through “Honorable” without audibly whispering “bullshit” under your breath.
?? I was thinking the same thing before I copy/paste that statement
I will wait to see his actions before condemning him for being a new hire of a huge company 30 years ago (where he stayed only a couple years).
Very fair statement