You are not wrong, but the pipeline for these satanic pawns is more refined and insidious than that.
Every major city has a 'crust-punk' scene. They are mostly young homeless drug addicts that beg and steal daily. If you see burned out hippy looking mofos, they are usually with 1 or 2 people when on mission to hit a lick, but congregate together in groups of 6-12 when high. They sleep on sidewalks and DIY spaces.
(Underground music venues get absolutely infested with them unless they get strict with rules).
These are the people that first prey on runaways in most cities, which is why there are so many trannyfags. When parents fail to override social programming and ignorant children run away to do drugs or be gay, this is the group that will 'take them in' and exploit and abuse the hell of them .That is why there are so many pedos in there too, they prostitute fresh (usually underaged) members before they turn so wretched as the images in here. The MO is to have their victims go up to wealthy looking men with a typical bum story (..I need a train ticket home, ran out of gas, card declined without food) and eventually will get an opening from some pervert whom either knows the game or is sexually rude enough to the child to be propositioned.
The "anti-culture" is propped up by two main sources, 'trustifarians' and community organizations. The trustifarian myth was created to explain how members of this sewer sub-level rung of society are able to lay down money to airb&b a flop and buy everyone food whenever needed. These are crusties whom have been promoted to "agent" and guide from the inside, using a provided bankroll. Think of them as cell sergeants.
The commanders are the community organizations which are descendant from Alinsky radical movements. These organizations are funded from liberals, unions, and taxes based on their purpose. A good rule of thumb is that if the organization is supposedly for a single issue cause (ie, anti-animal cruelty or Trump), it is founded by lib donations, if it is for outright political change (local alderman, socialist party) it is backed by a union machine, and if it is for homeless & GLBTQBBQ then it is paid for by tax dollars at work. Anyway, these organizations provide the coordination, resources, and even payment for crust-punks to move from city to city and agitate/riot. A call goes out and word is spread that NY Gay Alliance is paying $200/day for canvassers and they know one of their homeless 'friends' is always throwing down free tickets to anywhere asked for some reason, so they go and meet new crusties and drug it up until absconding elsewhere.
A little history, in the 60s-70s liberals were responsible for thousands of terrorist acts and political bombings. They were neutered (much like the KKK) by glowie infiltration eventually taking over the culture. In the 90s and early 2000s, they weaponized liberal groups to provide cover to false flag operators as black bloc. Abroad, this tactic was successful igniting Arab Spring coups when paired with snipers and complicit national Mil Com. However Obama was a community organizer and ran the groups that ran crusties, its how he came up. Under his reign, he nurtured a slush fund from all of the monetary legal judgements that went to the Federal Government and illegally dispersed to Antifa-related orgs without including in the budget or Congressional approval/oversight. Glowie Command over radicals was probably shifted over to DNC directly.
After spending decades researching mind control and propaganda (which btw is the penultimate purpose for civ intel agencies), they created a self-perpetuating culture of broken down mental instable addicts eager to follow orders and be the perfect foot soldier pawns for brown shirt tactics. In normal times, they could probably ignite a commie takeover with foreign help.
This is why they are so scared of MAGA. The unity of purpose and caliber of spirit shared at even a single Trump rally vs their entire army of meth slaves built around weakness is not a spiritual battle for America's soul they can win, and they know it.
You are not wrong, but the pipeline for these satanic pawns is more refined and insidious than that.
Every major city has a 'crust-punk' scene. They are mostly young homeless drug addicts that beg and steal daily. If you see burned out hippy looking mofos, they are usually with 1 or 2 people when on mission to hit a lick, but congregate together in groups of 6-12 when high. They sleep on sidewalks and DIY spaces. (Underground music venues get absolutely infested with them unless they get strict with rules).
These are the people that first prey on runaways in most cities, which is why there are so many trannyfags. When parents fail to override social programming and ignorant children run away to do drugs or be gay, this is the group that will 'take them in' and exploit and abuse the hell of them .That is why there are so many pedos in there too, they prostitute fresh (usually underaged) members before they turn so wretched as the images in here. The MO is to have their victims go up to wealthy looking men with a typical bum story (..I need a train ticket home, ran out of gas, card declined without food) and eventually will get an opening from some pervert whom either knows the game or is sexually rude enough to the child to be propositioned.
The "anti-culture" is propped up by two main sources, 'trustifarians' and community organizations. The trustifarian myth was created to explain how members of this sewer sub-level rung of society are able to lay down money to airb&b a flop and buy everyone food whenever needed. These are crusties whom have been promoted to "agent" and guide from the inside, using a provided bankroll. Think of them as cell sergeants.
The commanders are the community organizations which are descendant from Alinsky radical movements. These organizations are funded from liberals, unions, and taxes based on their purpose. A good rule of thumb is that if the organization is supposedly for a single issue cause (ie, anti-animal cruelty or Trump), it is founded by lib donations, if it is for outright political change (local alderman, socialist party) it is backed by a union machine, and if it is for homeless & GLBTQBBQ then it is paid for by tax dollars at work. Anyway, these organizations provide the coordination, resources, and even payment for crust-punks to move from city to city and agitate/riot. A call goes out and word is spread that NY Gay Alliance is paying $200/day for canvassers and they know one of their homeless 'friends' is always throwing down free tickets to anywhere asked for some reason, so they go and meet new crusties and drug it up until absconding elsewhere.
A little history, in the 60s-70s liberals were responsible for thousands of terrorist acts and political bombings. They were neutered (much like the KKK) by glowie infiltration eventually taking over the culture. In the 90s and early 2000s, they weaponized liberal groups to provide cover to false flag operators as black bloc. Abroad, this tactic was successful igniting Arab Spring coups when paired with snipers and complicit national Mil Com. However Obama was a community organizer and ran the groups that ran crusties, its how he came up. Under his reign, he nurtured a slush fund from all of the monetary legal judgements that went to the Federal Government and illegally dispersed to Antifa-related orgs without including in the budget or Congressional approval/oversight. Glowie Command over radicals was probably shifted over to DNC directly.
After spending decades researching mind control and propaganda (which btw is the penultimate purpose for civ intel agencies), they created a self-perpetuating culture of broken down mental instable addicts eager to follow orders and be the perfect foot soldier pawns for brown shirt tactics. In normal times, they could probably ignite a commie takeover with foreign help.
This is why they are so scared of MAGA. The unity of purpose and caliber of spirit shared at even a single Trump rally vs their entire army of meth slaves built around weakness is not a spiritual battle for America's soul they can win, and they know it.
Excellent comment. ?