she and her lawyer should contact every family that had a loved one die at that hospital a start a class action lawsuit. This whole Covid sham benefited the hospitals, all for money, human life is expendable.
It also benefitted the DS/Chynuh/Dems. They needed as many dead bodies as possible to scare the shit out everybody, making it easier to steal their freedoms/will to live free.
I can tell you from intimate knowledge that it didn't help most hospitals. Hospitals are going out of business or struggling financially. Had to spend egregious money to house the vaccines to boot.
she and her lawyer should contact every family that had a loved one die at that hospital a start a class action lawsuit. This whole Covid sham benefited the hospitals, all for money, human life is expendable.
It also benefitted the DS/Chynuh/Dems. They needed as many dead bodies as possible to scare the shit out everybody, making it easier to steal their freedoms/will to live free.
Method of their madness, citizens don't mater, only power, control and money.
They also scared them so much they would not hesitate to get their poison. Now they're dropping like flies.
I can tell you from intimate knowledge that it didn't help most hospitals. Hospitals are going out of business or struggling financially. Had to spend egregious money to house the vaccines to boot.