It's a very advanced code. Notice the use of "should" and not "must". This is key, because it indicates that the other side is winning the auction, but he is still open to new bids.
No no, that's why I put it in scare quotes. I have no problem with Mormons. I think they are solid family people and probably mostly hard working, patriotic citizens.
If you are on the side of restoring the Republic, your choice as to how, when, where, whom and if you worship is all wrapped up in that beautiful 1st Amendment.
I started appreciating Mormons because of their reaction to the Book of Mormon play. Hmm... some religions would blow people up because of something like that, others would lament about being persecuted... the Mormons advertised for their church in the Playbill! Brilliant?
Is that code for "if you don't pay me I won't play in your game"?
It's a very advanced code. Notice the use of "should" and not "must". This is key, because it indicates that the other side is winning the auction, but he is still open to new bids.
Ah ha, thanks!
That or he has Biden confused with Trump and still thinks his job is to say no to anything he has a chance to...
It's all scripted like WWE matches, designed to get their bases to donate and vote.
Biden should have been rejected on Jan. 6 too, Mitt.
Does Q have a problem with Mormonism?
No no, that's why I put it in scare quotes. I have no problem with Mormons. I think they are solid family people and probably mostly hard working, patriotic citizens.
Okay, thank you for clarifying, because I think similar of them.
If you are on the side of restoring the Republic, your choice as to how, when, where, whom and if you worship is all wrapped up in that beautiful 1st Amendment.
I started appreciating Mormons because of their reaction to the Book of Mormon play. Hmm... some religions would blow people up because of something like that, others would lament about being persecuted... the Mormons advertised for their church in the Playbill! Brilliant?
ah but he's wearing a purple tie. Isn't that a message to the DS?
The black eye wasn't enough
Haha @ that tiltle
Mittens want his money
He knows it will pass, so he can now publicly oppose it.
Perma Derp look.
Notice Mitt wearing Hillary’s purple.