Gotta have more time to indoctrinate. 12 years is not enough. (Link in comments)
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Our country ran great when parents had control of their children when it came to discipline. We also had prayer in school and the Pledge of Allegiance. Most families went to church and most families ATE at the dining room table together. THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG. Schools and government have stepped in to tell our kids that it is OUR place to continue helping them. That does NOT give our kids permission to live/sponge off parents and not become INDEPENDENT RESPONSIBLE ADULTS. And as for minorities outbreeding whites. This came about through Democrats and the Welfare program. This is why we have BLM and Antifa running rampant because most of them were in "fatherless" homes due to the government assistance program of the more kids you have; the more entitlements you are given. Minorities now know what the Democrats have caused them by keeping them down. I am not mentioning any specific minority as many "poor whites" did the same in order to survive. I personally know a white woman who got pregnant often in order to receive more government assistance. And once her children grew up, they moved out, got pregnant and drew the same type of assistance while her sons lived with women whom they got pregnant to do the same thing. So our government needs to STAY OUT of the lives of our children and how WE AS PARENTS raise them. Once you are an ADULT; you should spread your wings and fly. Every good mother bird kicks her babies out of the nest in order to set them free. We would be BAD parents if we did not help them find their own independence. I REST MY CASE.
The "fatherless" home are really that FATHER as in God the Father is absent. That is the core issue. The Trinity was absent from their lives.
So their parents did not raise them with knowing the God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
This reaches deeper than the 1960's. But the Boomer generation was the first to be propagandized via television.
I agree. The main Father was and is missing in many homes across America; but so are a lot of Earthly fathers. Anyway, we need to put our Heavenly Father back into our lives in order to raise our children the way he intended.
They used that cohesion and trust in institutions like church and school/govt to destroy the family. They subverted the education system and the preacher's and twisted everything to their communist globalist ends. Note how getting along became more important than standing up for the ten commandments, truth, morality, justice. Not an accident.
You are so right. We will have to bring our nation back into God's laws and the way he intends for us to raise our children.