They used that cohesion and trust in institutions like church and school/govt to destroy the family. They subverted the education system and the preacher's and twisted everything to their communist globalist ends. Note how getting along became more important than standing up for the ten commandments, truth, morality, justice. Not an accident.
The "fatherless" home are really that FATHER as in God the Father is absent. That is the core issue. The Trinity was absent from their lives.
So their parents did not raise them with knowing the God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
This reaches deeper than the 1960's. But the Boomer generation was the first to be propagandized via television.
They used that cohesion and trust in institutions like church and school/govt to destroy the family. They subverted the education system and the preacher's and twisted everything to their communist globalist ends. Note how getting along became more important than standing up for the ten commandments, truth, morality, justice. Not an accident.