All of the good actors have a profound love for Jesus Christ and the most powerful bad actors are Jews who dominate our mainstream media, most of the largest online platforms, 80% of the Democrat Party leadership and 73% of the White House Cabinet, 191 of 195 of the world's central banks (see Q post #135 - #139) including the Bank for International Settlement, the World Bank and the IMF and fund our Antifa/BLM domestic terrorists through George Soros' Open Society Foundations.
Is this why Q claims this will be biblical and it's a fight between good and evil: because it's a fight between the pro-Christs and anti-Christs?
If you were a real Christian, you wouldn't be so anti-semitic! Real Christians are "grafted into" the nation of Israel. I wonder if all the anti-semitic people who post such things are actually Muslims pretending to be patriots.
Please read a real Bible (not a Jehovah's witness version, or whatever one you MAY have). Jesus was a fulfillment of the Law. Jews ARE God's chosen people (I'm not Jewish), whether you like it or not. Here's just one verse on the matter, there are many others, and it's not even isolated verses that are the most significant, it is the ENTIRE Biblical story, from Genesis to Revelation, that is most significant: Romans 11:1-36
I agree that Jews were God's "chosen" people because they were the most misguided and in desperate need of Jesus Christ showing them that Christianity is the One True Path to Salvation, rather than fucking around with mutilating babies or the pagan bird blood rituals of Leviticus.
I agree that Jesus Christ was sent to permanently fulfill and permanently invalidate the Jew's scripture that is well establish to NOT BE a path to salvation.
I agree that Jesus wasn't interested in changing a jot or dot of the Jew's misguided religion that DIDN'T lead to salvation but instead was sent to replace it.
Jews fail to meet the lowest, minimum requirement for Salvation as well as earning one of the most horrific reputations for cannibalism and the spiritual bankruptcy of power and materialism. We can learn much from the Jews about how not to be Saved.
If you agree than leave a down-vote and then run away.
All of the good actors have a profound love for Jesus Christ and the most powerful bad actors are Jews who dominate our mainstream media, most of the largest online platforms, 80% of the Democrat Party leadership and 73% of the White House Cabinet, 191 of 195 of the world's central banks (see Q post #135 - #139) including the Bank for International Settlement, the World Bank and the IMF and fund our Antifa/BLM domestic terrorists through George Soros' Open Society Foundations.
Is this why Q claims this will be biblical and it's a fight between good and evil: because it's a fight between the pro-Christs and anti-Christs?
If you were a real Christian, you wouldn't be so anti-semitic! Real Christians are "grafted into" the nation of Israel. I wonder if all the anti-semitic people who post such things are actually Muslims pretending to be patriots.
Please read a real Bible (not a Jehovah's witness version, or whatever one you MAY have). Jesus was a fulfillment of the Law. Jews ARE God's chosen people (I'm not Jewish), whether you like it or not. Here's just one verse on the matter, there are many others, and it's not even isolated verses that are the most significant, it is the ENTIRE Biblical story, from Genesis to Revelation, that is most significant: Romans 11:1-36
I agree that Jews were God's "chosen" people because they were the most misguided and in desperate need of Jesus Christ showing them that Christianity is the One True Path to Salvation, rather than fucking around with mutilating babies or the pagan bird blood rituals of Leviticus.
I agree that Jesus Christ was sent to permanently fulfill and permanently invalidate the Jew's scripture that is well establish to NOT BE a path to salvation.
I agree that Jesus wasn't interested in changing a jot or dot of the Jew's misguided religion that DIDN'T lead to salvation but instead was sent to replace it.
Jews fail to meet the lowest, minimum requirement for Salvation as well as earning one of the most horrific reputations for cannibalism and the spiritual bankruptcy of power and materialism. We can learn much from the Jews about how not to be Saved.
If you agree than leave a down-vote and then run away.