All of the good actors have a profound love for Jesus Christ and the most powerful bad actors are Jews who dominate our mainstream media, most of the largest online platforms, 80% of the Democrat Party leadership and 73% of the White House Cabinet, 191 of 195 of the world's central banks (see Q post #135 - #139) including the Bank for International Settlement, the World Bank and the IMF and fund our Antifa/BLM domestic terrorists through George Soros' Open Society Foundations.
Is this why Q claims this will be biblical and it's a fight between good and evil: because it's a fight between the pro-Christs and anti-Christs?
This is not a battle against the Jews. This is a battle against Satanists. A long time ago they infiltrated the Jews, as they have infiltrated many societies throughout history. The vast majority of the infiltrated peoples we now call Jews are not members of the satanic Cabal. Not a single one of those people are our enemies.
Anytime we expand the scope of our enemy beyond their bounds they win. If we are looking at the wrong people, they win. That's their game. Hide in plain site, and point the finger elsewhere by association. Don't play their game. Recognize who the enemy is, and stop trying to place them in a category of their choosing.
They are Satanists. They must be destroyed. No one else who they point to should be harmed, nor called out, for they are the victims, not the enemy.
Because evidence is spotty the further you go back in history, this statement was one of (informed) speculation. I try to make the speculative nature of such a statement clear, I didn't here.
Evidence for this starts with any historical record. The bible for example gives many references to this. One example (Rev. 3:9)
Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie
Here I am not using the bible to promote it as a source of truth, but as a historical reference.
The Bible contains many such statements, decrying certain sections of society going back to the very beginning books as Satanists in hiding. There are other references to "money lenders" (sound familiar?) in the same vein.
But the bible is not the only book that references history that also references this infiltration. There is a ton of symbolism and references to these people in historical references to King Solomon for example. There are references to them in studies of Babylon, Egypt, and elsewhere going back to the beginning of the written language. "Worshiper's of Ba'al, or Moloch", etc. are closely tied to the ruling class, the money lenders, and the writers of law.
When you look with eyes that allow for the existence of such a long term religious entity you realize they are everywhere in our history books, and they are always in control of the money. History makes it clear they are the bankers, or rather, the stories of the bankers are linked to the same Satanic extracurricular activities in our historical art and literature as the worshipers of Ba'al. Not just similar activities, but the exact same rituals.
There is also the fact that the temple of Solomon is supposedly in the Holy Land (in Israel, the land of the Jews), and the temple of Solomon seems to mean a great deal to these people (where by "these people" I mean the Cabal, or the Bankers, or the Satanists, or the Luciferians, or the Illuminati. All one and the same group.)
History suggests they have, for thousands of years, infiltrated other power sectors of society and ruled from the shadows. Their primary method seems to be through the lending of money, and demanding favors to the debtor in lieu of extended payment schedules or forgiveness of debt (which they just take back in other ways).
If you believe Luciferians infiltrated the Jews and it happened so long ago that you can't even estimate when it happened, how do you know Judaism wasn't a Luciferian religion from day #1?
Why does your "fake Jew" scapegoat only get wheeled out whenever a Jew is caught with his pants down?
Why did your "real Jews" remain silent for more than two thousand years while your "fake Jews" ruined their reputations and made Jews become the most exiled people in human history?
Why aren't "real Jews" running massive community service education programs to warn everyone about your "fake Jew" imposters?
What makes you think that your "fake Jews" aren't just acting on the horrors within the pages of the Orthodox Jewish Talmud or making Talmudic-style interpretations of the Jewish Torah?
If you were a real Christian, you wouldn't be so anti-semitic! Real Christians are "grafted into" the nation of Israel. I wonder if all the anti-semitic people who post such things are actually Muslims pretending to be patriots.
Please read a real Bible (not a Jehovah's witness version, or whatever one you MAY have). Jesus was a fulfillment of the Law. Jews ARE God's chosen people (I'm not Jewish), whether you like it or not. Here's just one verse on the matter, there are many others, and it's not even isolated verses that are the most significant, it is the ENTIRE Biblical story, from Genesis to Revelation, that is most significant: Romans 11:1-36
I agree that Jews were God's "chosen" people because they were the most misguided and in desperate need of Jesus Christ showing them that Christianity is the One True Path to Salvation, rather than fucking around with mutilating babies or the pagan bird blood rituals of Leviticus.
I agree that Jesus Christ was sent to permanently fulfill and permanently invalidate the Jew's scripture that is well establish to NOT BE a path to salvation.
I agree that Jesus wasn't interested in changing a jot or dot of the Jew's misguided religion that DIDN'T lead to salvation but instead was sent to replace it.
Jews fail to meet the lowest, minimum requirement for Salvation as well as earning one of the most horrific reputations for cannibalism and the spiritual bankruptcy of power and materialism. We can learn much from the Jews about how not to be Saved.
If you agree than leave a down-vote and then run away.
Who are the synagogue of Satan, who call themselves Jews but are not Jews? That is in Revelations. Does it refer to Ashkenazi converts? Were the real People of Judah and Israel blue-eyed white people who were forced out of the Holy Land and relocated to Western Europe?
All of the good actors have a profound love for Jesus Christ and the most powerful bad actors are Jews who dominate our mainstream media, most of the largest online platforms, 80% of the Democrat Party leadership and 73% of the White House Cabinet, 191 of 195 of the world's central banks (see Q post #135 - #139) including the Bank for International Settlement, the World Bank and the IMF and fund our Antifa/BLM domestic terrorists through George Soros' Open Society Foundations.
Is this why Q claims this will be biblical and it's a fight between good and evil: because it's a fight between the pro-Christs and anti-Christs?
This is not a battle against the Jews. This is a battle against Satanists. A long time ago they infiltrated the Jews, as they have infiltrated many societies throughout history. The vast majority of the infiltrated peoples we now call Jews are not members of the satanic Cabal. Not a single one of those people are our enemies.
Anytime we expand the scope of our enemy beyond their bounds they win. If we are looking at the wrong people, they win. That's their game. Hide in plain site, and point the finger elsewhere by association. Don't play their game. Recognize who the enemy is, and stop trying to place them in a category of their choosing.
They are Satanists. They must be destroyed. No one else who they point to should be harmed, nor called out, for they are the victims, not the enemy.
When did this happen specifically?
I want to see when in 3,500 years of Jewish history that your infiltration happened and started ruining the Jew's reputation.
Because evidence is spotty the further you go back in history, this statement was one of (informed) speculation. I try to make the speculative nature of such a statement clear, I didn't here.
Evidence for this starts with any historical record. The bible for example gives many references to this. One example (Rev. 3:9)
Here I am not using the bible to promote it as a source of truth, but as a historical reference.
The Bible contains many such statements, decrying certain sections of society going back to the very beginning books as Satanists in hiding. There are other references to "money lenders" (sound familiar?) in the same vein.
But the bible is not the only book that references history that also references this infiltration. There is a ton of symbolism and references to these people in historical references to King Solomon for example. There are references to them in studies of Babylon, Egypt, and elsewhere going back to the beginning of the written language. "Worshiper's of Ba'al, or Moloch", etc. are closely tied to the ruling class, the money lenders, and the writers of law.
When you look with eyes that allow for the existence of such a long term religious entity you realize they are everywhere in our history books, and they are always in control of the money. History makes it clear they are the bankers, or rather, the stories of the bankers are linked to the same Satanic extracurricular activities in our historical art and literature as the worshipers of Ba'al. Not just similar activities, but the exact same rituals.
There is also the fact that the temple of Solomon is supposedly in the Holy Land (in Israel, the land of the Jews), and the temple of Solomon seems to mean a great deal to these people (where by "these people" I mean the Cabal, or the Bankers, or the Satanists, or the Luciferians, or the Illuminati. All one and the same group.)
History suggests they have, for thousands of years, infiltrated other power sectors of society and ruled from the shadows. Their primary method seems to be through the lending of money, and demanding favors to the debtor in lieu of extended payment schedules or forgiveness of debt (which they just take back in other ways).
If you believe Luciferians infiltrated the Jews and it happened so long ago that you can't even estimate when it happened, how do you know Judaism wasn't a Luciferian religion from day #1?
Why does your "fake Jew" scapegoat only get wheeled out whenever a Jew is caught with his pants down?
Why did your "real Jews" remain silent for more than two thousand years while your "fake Jews" ruined their reputations and made Jews become the most exiled people in human history?
Why aren't "real Jews" running massive community service education programs to warn everyone about your "fake Jew" imposters?
What makes you think that your "fake Jews" aren't just acting on the horrors within the pages of the Orthodox Jewish Talmud or making Talmudic-style interpretations of the Jewish Torah?
If you were a real Christian, you wouldn't be so anti-semitic! Real Christians are "grafted into" the nation of Israel. I wonder if all the anti-semitic people who post such things are actually Muslims pretending to be patriots.
Please read a real Bible (not a Jehovah's witness version, or whatever one you MAY have). Jesus was a fulfillment of the Law. Jews ARE God's chosen people (I'm not Jewish), whether you like it or not. Here's just one verse on the matter, there are many others, and it's not even isolated verses that are the most significant, it is the ENTIRE Biblical story, from Genesis to Revelation, that is most significant: Romans 11:1-36
I agree that Jews were God's "chosen" people because they were the most misguided and in desperate need of Jesus Christ showing them that Christianity is the One True Path to Salvation, rather than fucking around with mutilating babies or the pagan bird blood rituals of Leviticus.
I agree that Jesus Christ was sent to permanently fulfill and permanently invalidate the Jew's scripture that is well establish to NOT BE a path to salvation.
I agree that Jesus wasn't interested in changing a jot or dot of the Jew's misguided religion that DIDN'T lead to salvation but instead was sent to replace it.
Jews fail to meet the lowest, minimum requirement for Salvation as well as earning one of the most horrific reputations for cannibalism and the spiritual bankruptcy of power and materialism. We can learn much from the Jews about how not to be Saved.
If you agree than leave a down-vote and then run away.
Who are the synagogue of Satan, who call themselves Jews but are not Jews? That is in Revelations. Does it refer to Ashkenazi converts? Were the real People of Judah and Israel blue-eyed white people who were forced out of the Holy Land and relocated to Western Europe?
Ephraim = England?
Mannessah = The USA?