God will not let this situation stand. He didn't in Noah's time and He didn't in Lot's time (Sodom and Gomorrah). God is a God of love. He loves us but he hates sin. At some point, the evil-doers will face the wrath of God.
My advice is to:
Repent of your sins
Say a prayer accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour
Read your Bible and pray to God
Lead a life that is pleasing to God by following His Word and His direction
Have no other gods before Him
God will look after the current situation. He sees everything and He is a just God. I don't worry about how this will turn out at all. God bless you.
wait but i thought god planned everything?? this christian nonsense just never adds up for me. God either has everything planned or he doesnt - therefore not omnipotent, so pick a lane buddy.
I'm in the Jesus has saved me/God is in control lane. His Plan is laid out in the Bible. He is omnipotent. He has given man free will. In many cases, man has chosen sin and wickedness. Satan is also at work to deceive us and tempt us into sin and to prevent us from having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I see no contradiction in who God says He is and how things are unfolding.
I know what God has done for me in my life - a dramatic transformation from a sinful life to a submitted, dedicated follower of Christ.
The choice to accept (or reject) Jesus Christ is yours. One day Jesus will return for those that have accepted Him. I look forward to that day. I hope your views will change and that you will find a pathway to accepting Jesus. God bless you.
God will not let this situation stand. He didn't in Noah's time and He didn't in Lot's time (Sodom and Gomorrah). God is a God of love. He loves us but he hates sin. At some point, the evil-doers will face the wrath of God.
My advice is to:
God will look after the current situation. He sees everything and He is a just God. I don't worry about how this will turn out at all. God bless you.
wait but i thought god planned everything?? this christian nonsense just never adds up for me. God either has everything planned or he doesnt - therefore not omnipotent, so pick a lane buddy.
I'm in the Jesus has saved me/God is in control lane. His Plan is laid out in the Bible. He is omnipotent. He has given man free will. In many cases, man has chosen sin and wickedness. Satan is also at work to deceive us and tempt us into sin and to prevent us from having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I see no contradiction in who God says He is and how things are unfolding.
I know what God has done for me in my life - a dramatic transformation from a sinful life to a submitted, dedicated follower of Christ.
The choice to accept (or reject) Jesus Christ is yours. One day Jesus will return for those that have accepted Him. I look forward to that day. I hope your views will change and that you will find a pathway to accepting Jesus. God bless you.
Fair enough.