Meanwhile here in Michigan every other store some bitch always has something to say. So far 9 times out of 10 it has been women. I am 6'1 young and in shape. The only stupid fucks willing to make a scene are these dumb cunts who have never had any consequence to the stupid shit that comes out of their mouths.
I think even the soyboys are to cowardly for any type of confrontation with another man. They know that their could be a consequence. Meanwhile women hide behind the fact that they are a female and they believe that there will be no fight back. Those days are over.
Each time I have gotten into an argument in a public space they end up 10x more flustered and incomprehensible. My favorite is when they break the 6 feet rule to get in my business. Some of them proceed to even remove their mask so they can get their incomprehensible point across without losing their breath lol It is as dumb as it gets.
It's always a woman or soy boy that gives a shit about this crap and have ever said shit to me about masking. I had this little fat cuck security guard chase me down. Next time I'm gonna tell them to back away cuz they're invading my 6 feet. These people are retarded.
I agree about FL and masks. I’m here in Central FL and everyone that isn’t in agriculture/living in rural areas (redneck conservatives with common sense!) are seemingly terrified still. I go in a tack store, lumberyard, no one is wearing them. Our local Ace hardware store - all the younger employees have the masks on their chins and will pull them up if someone is wearing one. But go in Publix, a mile away from that Ace, and I am the only one maskless.
Seminole County Commissioners just voted to extend mask mandate another month. I’m pissed and will write my commissioner and go to next meeting. They won’t remove unless 50% are vaccinated or infection rate is declining. 42% vaccinated according to Orlando Sentinel. I was surprised. It was 26% last month. Good news is it was 3-2 vote to extend. Just need one more!
Depends on what part of Florida you’re in. But yes, traffic is a nightmare now that everyone is moving and visiting here. Fortunately I live in rural area where traffic is still tolerable unless we go to populated areas.
Can confirm your Central Florida experiences. In fact I've commented on it here before. My theory is the lack of having to fight really overwhelming authoritarianism has made a lot of folks complacent around here. Its a shame it had to be this way, even in Florida.
I have been confronted by maybe one man. And over 10 women. Both our examples are anecdotal. Yet the majority of people I talk to would tell you it is mostly women. Women are the ones who progress liberalism. They are also a big part of bringing societies into socialism/communism. History tells the same story over and over again.
Maybe what you are saying is true. But most men I have met liberal and conservative do not harass women because there is a lot of baggage that comes with it. While women have little to no recourse. Whether from the person they are harassing or from the system. 99% of the time the public opinion will take the side of the female. That is a fact. 9 out of 10 people I see not wearing a mask are men. There is a reason for that. Men lead and women follow. Women work together to form hivemind mentality. They only feel strength through numbers, and large support. Exceptions to the rule exist of course. But they are small in number.
Men know there could be recourse if they cross a line with another man. And most men know what the recourse would be if they harassed a woman. There are a million examples nowadays of unfair treatment when it comes to our 2 genders.
Also employees do not count. I am talking shopper to shopper.
If you are taking offense to what I am saying or think it is sexist that is all I need to know about you. Even conservative women have a hard time understanding their own nature. I see it time and time again. Your gender has been placed high up on a pedestal.
Meanwhile here in Michigan every other store some bitch always has something to say. So far 9 times out of 10 it has been women. I am 6'1 young and in shape. The only stupid fucks willing to make a scene are these dumb cunts who have never had any consequence to the stupid shit that comes out of their mouths.
I think even the soyboys are to cowardly for any type of confrontation with another man. They know that their could be a consequence. Meanwhile women hide behind the fact that they are a female and they believe that there will be no fight back. Those days are over.
Each time I have gotten into an argument in a public space they end up 10x more flustered and incomprehensible. My favorite is when they break the 6 feet rule to get in my business. Some of them proceed to even remove their mask so they can get their incomprehensible point across without losing their breath lol It is as dumb as it gets.
It's always a woman or soy boy that gives a shit about this crap and have ever said shit to me about masking. I had this little fat cuck security guard chase me down. Next time I'm gonna tell them to back away cuz they're invading my 6 feet. These people are retarded.
I agree about FL and masks. I’m here in Central FL and everyone that isn’t in agriculture/living in rural areas (redneck conservatives with common sense!) are seemingly terrified still. I go in a tack store, lumberyard, no one is wearing them. Our local Ace hardware store - all the younger employees have the masks on their chins and will pull them up if someone is wearing one. But go in Publix, a mile away from that Ace, and I am the only one maskless.
Seminole County Commissioners just voted to extend mask mandate another month. I’m pissed and will write my commissioner and go to next meeting. They won’t remove unless 50% are vaccinated or infection rate is declining. 42% vaccinated according to Orlando Sentinel. I was surprised. It was 26% last month. Good news is it was 3-2 vote to extend. Just need one more!
Depends on what part of Florida you’re in. But yes, traffic is a nightmare now that everyone is moving and visiting here. Fortunately I live in rural area where traffic is still tolerable unless we go to populated areas.
Can confirm your Central Florida experiences. In fact I've commented on it here before. My theory is the lack of having to fight really overwhelming authoritarianism has made a lot of folks complacent around here. Its a shame it had to be this way, even in Florida.
I’m a woman and men have harassed me for not wearing a mask. Women too.
I have been confronted by maybe one man. And over 10 women. Both our examples are anecdotal. Yet the majority of people I talk to would tell you it is mostly women. Women are the ones who progress liberalism. They are also a big part of bringing societies into socialism/communism. History tells the same story over and over again.
Maybe what you are saying is true. But most men I have met liberal and conservative do not harass women because there is a lot of baggage that comes with it. While women have little to no recourse. Whether from the person they are harassing or from the system. 99% of the time the public opinion will take the side of the female. That is a fact. 9 out of 10 people I see not wearing a mask are men. There is a reason for that. Men lead and women follow. Women work together to form hivemind mentality. They only feel strength through numbers, and large support. Exceptions to the rule exist of course. But they are small in number.
Men know there could be recourse if they cross a line with another man. And most men know what the recourse would be if they harassed a woman. There are a million examples nowadays of unfair treatment when it comes to our 2 genders.
Also employees do not count. I am talking shopper to shopper.
If you are taking offense to what I am saying or think it is sexist that is all I need to know about you. Even conservative women have a hard time understanding their own nature. I see it time and time again. Your gender has been placed high up on a pedestal.