posted ago by cathole953 ago by cathole953 +53 / -1

Finally had a post go through so I figured I’d try posting this again for the umpteenth time.

This thought just occurred to me while looking at places to move to since I can’t stand living in my hellhole of a state anymore. I honestly don’t think there’s more than 5 blue states in the country, and even then I’m hesitant to say there’s that many. Now hear me out here, it all has to do with voter fraud. We KNOW they’ve been doing this crap for decades, they just overplayed their hand during the last election to overcompensate. But I noticed a pattern. Red state gradually get’s bluer over the course of a decade, gets handwaved away as “demographic changes”. But then something occurred to me. That doesn’t make sense. Black people and Hispanics are the two biggest minority blocks in the US, and the “biggest voter base” for lefties. So that’s usually what people are talking about. But that doesn’t really make sense when you actually look at it. Let give me give a few examples. Let’s start with Georgia. Georgia has been supposedly becoming more and more blue over the last decade until it finally “turned blue”. This is supposedly a result of demographic changes. Now this doesn’t actually make sense. Georgia is roughly 30-ish% black and 60-ish% white. About half of Georgia population is in the Atlanta metro. The narrative they’re trying to force down everyone’s throat is that 80-90% of black people vote democrat. I don’t believe that. We keep seeing more and more proof that blacks and Hispanics are leaving the democrat party in droves. Texas is another example. It’s supposedly becoming purple, but when you look at the numbers, Texas is on it’s way to becoming majority Hispanic, and Hispanics are becoming more and more conservative, hence the Rio Grand Valley voting Trump. Florida, likewise, is yet another example of this phenomenon of minorities becoming more and more red as time goes on. Now where am I going with all this? Simple, they have been gradually increasing their cheating to fit the narrative the media has been pushing. I’ll use Georgia as an example since we have video proof to backup what I’m about to talk about. So here’s how they do it. They push a narrative that a state is turning bluer, then they increase their cheating to fit that narrative. So in Georgia, they’ve been gradually doing more and more crap in the Atlanta metro as time goes on that supports cheating. For example, the scanning of ballots multiple times. Think about that. The Atlanta metro has roughly 6 million people. In all of that massive amount of people, they get 10 people and hide 10K ballots for them (1K per person). All of them scan those fake ballots, or even real ballots would work, 10 times a piece. BOOM, the lefties just apparated 500K votes out of the air for their side. And because Atlanta is “liberal” no one thinks there’s anything out of the ordinary. “Atlanta is majority black so it only makes sense it’s blue”. They keep gradually increasing that amount year after year, till they finally get the slimmest majority possible, then pass massive election reform, ala Colorado and Oregon, and the state just gets more and more corrupt and “blue” from there. Think California. It used to be red, and then they started pushing the narrative that it’s “progressive and diverse population” was pushing the state blue. Just like what they’re trying to do in Texas now. Speaking of Texas: Houston. Roughly 2 million people in the city alone, and 7 million in the metro. Imagine what kind of cheating they can do there. Forget 10 people, think 100 or even a 1,000. All with a 1k votes a piece to scan 50 or more times. I honestly think this is how they’ve gotten so many “blue states”. I don’t think California or New York are liberal. I think they’re actually pretty red. Honestly the only states I can see being actually blue are Hawaii, Vermont, New Jersey, Maryland, and Rhode Island. All of those states have really small populations so I imagine it would be harder to actually cheat without being caught in the way I’m describing. My reasoning being states like Wyoming and Alaska are the Red equivalent. I also have another example to further prove this hypothesis, Lousiana. Lousiana USED to vote blue, at least until Katrina all but destroyed Baton Rouge and New Orleans. After that, it turned red and has been getting redder every year. I honestly believe this is because their fraud machine was destroyed during Katrina, and they were never able to recover and get the power they cheated into existence back. Furthermore states like Florida, Arizona, and Texas are actually showing that their hispanic populations are becoming more and more conservative, and if demographics continue to trend as they are, they'll soon be majority hispanic states. This leads to the conclusion that within the next decade, Florida is going to be a red stronghold, and the lefties are going to lose all "progress" they've made in Texas and Arizona. Which is why the only reasonable conclusion for the current blue trend is that organized fraud and propaganda to accept said fraud as reality over the last several decades is what's happening.

Remember WE are the majority. They’re just a VERY vocal minority, and that’s why it seems like all big cities are crawling with leftist heathens.