I've just fallen face-first down a rabbit hole. To be honest, I don't really know what I've stumbled across, but it's odd enough and strange enough to grab my attention. All that I have right now are the puzzle pieces. I don't know how to put them together, if they even CAN be put together. I submit this for your review. Perhaps someone else can make sense of them.
- IBM has been working on a quantum computer. The online articles suggest that it is only in its infancy. I suspect it's much farther along than is being admitted to:
- I've known about the existence of this computer for awhile now. What I didn't know was that CERN was involved with it:
- The question I have is, what is CERN up to? I've run across some interesting websites, some seem plausible and other seem really out there. One project, "Awake," caught my eye, for obvious reasons:
Plasma acceleration: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_acceleration
10 mind-blowing facts about the CERN Large Collider you need to know: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/313922-cern-collider-hadron-higgs/
- Now, here are the really off-the-wall claims:
Whether any of these claims are true, are strictly fabrications, or just misdirection, I don't know. It's hard to know what to believe any more. But, generally-speaking, where there's smoke, there's usually fire.
University of Wisconsin is connected with CERN.
Some of Admiral Byrd’s expeditions to Antarctica and beyond were funded out of Racine. What was Little America? What route did they take? What did they claim to encounter? Why did Byrd name a mountain range after Horlick of Racine?
Why is Racine and Southeast Wisconsin the gateway to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way? Why were more members of Majestic 12 from Wisconsin than any other state?
If they use CERN to open the gates of Hell, would they also want to close the path to Heaven? How will do they that? What was shown in The Matrix?
What is French for Root?
To close the path to Heaven... Transhumanism? Capture human consciousness and soul via RFID chips run by 5G, creating eternal slavery? So the soul never makes its way to the Pathway of Souls?
Also, never figured out the Horlicks malted milk powder connection and why Byrd specifically took it to Antarctica.
Correct. The goal is to open the gales to Hell and close the path to Heaven forming a global and eternal enslavement Hell on Earth.
Why is Malted Milk used in “space”? Why did he name a mountain range after Horlick? Did Horlick help fund his expeditions? What is Little America? What did Byrd claim to encounter on his expeditions? What path did they take?