in the future i imagine this scenario.
one guy is on a balcony and has a soda in his hand and another guy comes up to him and asks "what does it mean to be a good person if all your mistakes are corrected automatically?" and the guy with the soda throws the soda off the balcony and a little drone detects it and whisks it away to the thrash bin. as that happens the guy that threw it says " i don't know. your intentions don't matter anymore. only convenience does".
this links to the transgender issue. what if they find a way to really turn people into the opposite sex. chromosomes and all.(even if they did i would still consider it devil worship).
i think technology will set a dangerous precedent as to what is and isn't acceptable as a society. how much convenience is to much and if technology did reach those heights would they be morally just?
In my younger years, I ran a biker bar/strip club. Once had a little hottie come in looking for a waitress job. Asked her if she could dance and she literally blushed and replied "I can't do that. I have scruples." One of my more seasoned girls piped in "Scruples? You can get shots for that at the free clinic downtown."
I should probably write a book...:)
That sounds amazing from my point of veiw because i love bikes
The current use of transgenderism is to create cognitive dissonance on a massive scale. I don't know if anyone would ever want to be of a gender other than the one they were born with if there wasn't this use of the idea implanted in our brains for nefarious purposes.
If there were however, someone who desired that, without an external implantation (brainwashing) then who are you or I to say such a desire is "bad". Their choice of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is their own.
It is the using of ideas and tools for evil purposes that makes a thing evil. In this case, I believe the mixing of sexes has been for a very evil purpose, but biologically speaking there are many animals that can swap genders naturally as the social or environmental need arises. There is nothing unnatural or evil about the idea. The evil exists in the way the idea has been used to manipulate society (create cognitive dissonance).
If there is ever a tool (technology) that allows for those who might, without brainwashing, want to swap genders, who is to say that is evil? Are they harming anyone else in any direct fashion, limiting the pursuit of life, liberty or happiness of someone else, or is it a sense of "offended" that drives a desire to stop them?
The Declaration of Independence's (DoI) statement of protection of inalienable rights doesn't care about your sensibilities, or what you may take offense at. It protects all choices that do not infringe upon another's such rights. Trying to stop such choices is exactly what the DoI intends to protect against. It teaches us that our "sensibilities" must be internalized when they attempt to do so.
I reiterate, using the tool (idea in this case) of gender fluidity to create cognitive dissonance is evil. That is the ACT, not the idea. The idea exists all over in the natural world. And who are you (not you specifically, but the general "you") to tell someone they aren't allowed to have an idea, or pursue it if it does not infringe on another's rights?
The difference betweeen those animals and humans is that those animals accept what they are doing by instinct where as the human does so for no logical explanation.
That is a whole lot of assumptions in one sentence.
I suggest we should not presume to know the mind or heart of another. Rather, we should attempt to know our own hearts (a difficult enough task), and respect others attempts at the same.
[they]'re not trying to turn people into he opposite sex, so much as [they] are trying to "transc nd" humanity by making it a truly androgynous species, in the form of Moloch, Ba'al, etc. [they] want people to emulate [their] Master, who is itself an androgynous being, having both male and female attributes, and male and female reproductive organs, etc.
The Freemasons, O.T.O., Owl Society, Thelemic Society, basically ALL of the he so-called "secret societies" believe they at one time, in the beginning, humans were androgynous beings and capable of reproducing without having to mate. In [their] teachings, we were all BOTH male/female. This was the way, according to [them], of Humanity BEFORE the Fall of Lucifer and the Fall of Man.
[they] wish to "progress" Humanity by taking us back to those early days.
It's also how [they] attempt to excuse themselves of any wrong doing. To [them], in order to become "like God" or get as close to God as humanly possible, we must shrug off what we "know" as truth in order to find the Light of God.
The only problem is, [their] God is Lucifer, Ba'al, Moloch, etc. [they] don't believe in ethics or morality as we understand those two philisophic concepts, b cause to [them], it is immoral to continue to let Humanity live as we are. To [them] it is immoral to have two separate and distinct "sexes." [they] view this is th worst affront toward "God," because we were originally created as one being, no h male and female.
It's the basis behind almost ALL of [their] views and beliefs on heterosexuality, trans-sexuality, etc etc etc.
I love how they deliberately misinterpret things.
We are supposed to get our male and female in balance. But it doesn't have anything to do with chopping off your cucumber.
It's about recognizing that your body is a battery, an electrical device, and works best when the positive (male) and negative (female) poles are in balance.
How are their minions going to feel when they realize they've been had, scammed by their masters?
"Industrial Society and Its Future, better known as the Unabomber Manifesto, is a 1995 essay by Ted Kaczynski contending that modern technological progress will extinguish individual liberty." Pulled from wikipedia.
Science fiction is becoming reality. This is oneof the reasons I like Philip K. Dick. Asimov was good about sticking with the technology aspect of futurity. Dick was prodigious in applying philosophy to futurity. The tech in Dick's work was very much made to move the story he's been known to borrow technology to drove his point home. There are so many good sci-fi writers who have put forward ideas of the future but these are of our here and now. Some good examples.
-Post 1968 Phillip K Dick- Flow My Tears the Policeman Said- Specifically things such as a Civil War in America between the Nats (National Guard) and the Pols (Militarized Alphabets and Law Enforcement). The age of consent in this world is lowered to 12 years old. This book is the Globalist dream. This is what I think they want us to head towards.
Radio Free Ablemuth- About a music producer who keeps having these premonitions of something which turns out to be a ruthless totalitarian politician that was part of a secret communist group who ends up placing people (including the protagonist) in FEMA concentration camps.
A Scanner Darkly- I call this George H.W. Bush CIA the book. We've all seen the movie. This to me has already come true back in the late 80's. Governments and pharma have been working to dumb us down and control us for decades.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep- If it's true the CIA is running breeding farms and MK Ultra brainwashing they are in essence creating replicants. It could be much worse than that too. You might just be an outdated replicant created by the shadow government run by morally unscrupulous Monopolists.
Cocaine Nights and Super-Cannes by JG Ballard- These books basically deal with planned resort communities designed for business men. Psychopathy and sociopathy are encouraged or endemic. This is as a means to relax and relieve themselves from the stressors of the modern working world. Super-Cannes has a good example of MK Ultra shooters. The psychologist in town basically reinforces pro MK Ultra programming and a guy shoots up his work. Good reads. Highly recommended reading for suburbanites.
-William Gibson- The Blue Ant Trilogy- This is some of his more recent work. It's about the post 9/11 world. They're stories about defense contractors and board room advertising analysts. Specifically about how contractors could sell weapons and state secrets, surveillance state and using patterns of behavior in big data processing. Gibson's weird because he becomes less science fiction as he writes and more just regular fiction. Though he did sort of predict Snowden a decade or so before all of that.
The Bridge Trilogy- This whole series reminds me of the West Coast currently. Huge homeless populations, corporations creating earthquakes and natural disasters to buy up land and remake the world in their image. Data nodes and information black markets. Digital pop stars and the media complex. He sort of predicted things like TMZ and celebrity worship about 10 years before they were prevalent.
Image of the Beast by Philip Jose Farmer- This is not so much a sci-fi book as it is a fantasy book. Not sword and sorcery fantasy though. More like urban horror. This is really the first mention of what I'd consider the cabal in literary form. Basically a bunch of sex freaks who kidnap people and make snuff films.
Yeah. Phillip K Dick is interesting. Hollywood loves him. I don't think he was big on them. I know L. Ron Hubbard was a huge PKD fan but it wasn't a mutual relationship. PKD thought of L. Ron Hubbard as a parasite in the genre. LRH was more about self-aggrandizement and less about exploring the science. L Ron Hubbard was Scientology's leader and so he had his tendrils around so many emotional compromised stars. He was also big into Allister Crowley and stuff. I think that's where a lot of the Satanism that runs through Hollywood comes from. Well rumor is that Satanism made it's way out there in the 30's. Scientology was most likely a government program to control that sort of thing. L Ron Hubbard had ties to the FBI. My guess is the government created Scientology to try and soak up people that would have gone to the Church of Satan but you know. If you're anywhere long enough you adopt some of the practices you're exposed to. The left coast is known for all sorts of weird cults. Meanwhile PKD is writing about more ethical and Christian centric (but kind of lefty) things. I think both the Church of Satan and the Scientologists kind of saw him as a threat. I highly recommend the Exegesis of PKD. Good read. Really opened my mind about what you can write about as a Christian artist.