As it relates to datefagging...
?? Theory ??
I hear from the “crazies” ? ?, Trump signed the IA on January 9th. 1-9-2021, is it possible this comes to fruition on the reverse delta, 9-1-2021? I don’t know, just a thought. 6-1-2021 may be the darkest day of the movie, with the ending being 9-1-2021, stay Stronk my frens! Who know where the ride ends, but I hope to see you all on the other side.
I don't always datefag, but when I do, I go here:
Yeah, it's crazy and long, but makes sense to me most of the time. And it's soon, which is also good. May 15 is his datefag, with June 12 as important too. But so far everybody's been wrong except the people who know and won't say, so ...