526 Such an odd time for Dr. Evil and his wife to announce their split. Why announce this now? Is this a distraction from the Audit? Is something about to go down? (media.greatawakening.win) ? Notable posted 3 years ago by captn_crunch 3 years ago by captn_crunch +527 / -1 139 comments download share 139 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Have you watched Melinda recently and compared it to a few years ago? Honestly, I dont think thats the same person. Not sure what it means though.
Yea, I am usually pretty skeptical of this kind of thing, but the more recent pictures of "Melinda" look like a totally different person to me and like a transgendered male.
OMG... that is a DUDE!!!!
Oh shit! I looked! My eyes! My eyes!
1st pic top left.
Those are HUGE biceps for a person who supposedly not a bodybuilder.