Is it likely he's doing that to get people to start talking about the REAL "Big Lie"?
The Big Lies we've been conditioned to accept about WWII and the "Holocaust"?
Is it likely he's doing that to get people to start talking about the REAL "Big Lie"?
The Big Lies we've been conditioned to accept about WWII and the "Holocaust"?
The Holocaust is a hoax. Germans were the good guys defending themselves and Europe from the Commie Jews that were committing genocide against Russians and then Germans which is what forced Germany to go to war in the first place and that Germany wasn't exterminating Jews and all the pictures we see of mass corpses were done by the Bolshevik Jews as part of their war against the German/White race that still continues to this day. They then blamed it all on the Germans as it's the victors that write the history books and the entire Nuremberg trials were a farce perpetrated by the Allies to make themselves look the good guys when they were in fact the massive war criminals that slaughtered millions of civilians for their Jewish masters.
I bet you believe the Earth is flat
And I bet you still believe the lies of Freemasons and Occultists determined to take God out of our lives.
So I just got back from the rabbit hole. I made through the seventh video. Wow.
Here's a series that will trigger a lot of people here as if they're libtarded, as for some reason these people just love their Jews even though they've been at war with the White race for centuries.
Honestly this is absurd... I have spoken directly to survivors and there is far too much documented evidence and literal admissions from guilty parties...
Not to mention there have been plenty of "victims" that have come out later and admitted they were lying. They even go so far as to say "It didn't happen, but it's my reality." The authors that have been busted lying. There's no evidence of actual gas chambers, to the contrary actually.
Also, plenty of "survivors" have also given testimony saying that it wasn't bad there. They had a pool, orchestra, theater, played soccer, there wasn't any torture and murder going on. The Germans actually treated them as human and treated them when they got sick, but as the war went on the medicine and supplies ran short so there were outbreaks of disease which killed many.
The sinister murders and torture came at the hands of the Soviets/Jews. Germans were liberating Europeans from the Red Terror.
I know you'll probably just refuse to watch this, or call it propaganda (although I dk what you think you're getting your information from now, being that it's coming from all the same liars spreading the very same lies today):
Admissions came through torture where they would have said anything to get them to stop. Survivors? You mean Jews playing victim? There were more Jews seeking reparations than there even were around at the time. No way the Germans killed 6,000,000....a number the Jews have used many times in the past and still use today. Just not long ago Israel went to Putin and warned him that Iran was going to kill 6,000,000 Jews.
Come on, wake up to their lies and their technique ffs!
And we wonder why MSM think we're nuts?
Believe yourselves awake, and actually are to a great degree, yet still holding onto that cognitive dissonance when it comes to the bigger lies even though one would think one would know better than to continue believing the old lies of proven liars that are telling all the exact same lies today.
Clearly a golem. Go back to chineddit