The apes are linking the divorce to Bills suspected GME short position.
He has previously shorted Tesla, and weighed in on GME in February (he wants the SEC to step in and stop the retailers).
All the videos and links are in the posts, so see for yourself. More good info is in the comments also.
Oh and and his friendship with Epstein keeps getting brought up. They are waking up and its amazing to see.
They have to cover or they lose everything, and so they'll try to cover, and GME will moon. What happens if they all decide collectively not to cover, like the stonk holders have decided not to sell? I mean, they have to cover or their assets get seized? - I believe this is why the divorced spouse gets so much. It's an asset harbor. I'm actually quite ignorant about the stock market and shorting and how it gets covered if you just say "fuck it, I'm not going to cover."
I would expect to see more divorces in the news I guess.