Hospital update from friend on gyne ward. It's horrifying.
Still here in hospital and will be for a while. On the gynae ward. I feel like I’ve got to speak the truth because facts is facts. They are run off their feet. The consultant just said: “we’re having to take people off the streets because GPs aren’t taking any more people”. I haven’t been seen by the various specialists I was meant to see and had pain meds in hours because they’re so busy. I’ve been in for 4 days now and will be here at least another 2 days by the sounds of things. Maybe longer. The parking permit they just gave me is for a week.
The phone is literally ringing off the hook and new women being admitted constantly with young women having miscarriages and ectopics. Women with unexplained bleeding and clots of all ages from 20 years’ old to 80 years’ old. They’re bringing in community nurses as bank staff because of the overwhelm. I’m in a massive ward right next to the main nurses station, so I’m hearing it all. Maybe I’m here for a reason so I can report the truth. And we need to hear more truth. I’m sick of the falsity.
Now maybe, you’ll say this is just normal. Women are having unexplained bleeding, miscarriages etc all the time and maybe that’s correct. But if it is this bad, why isn’t it more widely spoken about? Why haven’t all my friends and family had problems? And if they have, why haven’t they felt able to speak to me about it?
There must be more education around it. It must be spoken about more because so many women are suffering.
Then again, when the nurses and doctors are commenting on the alarming rate of calls and committed patients compared to normal, that is rather disturbing.
Alongside all the reports coming out worldwide around women having had the ? and NOT having had the ? but being around people who have, and saying they’re having miscarriages and unexplained cycle abnormalities. Research for yourself if you haven’t seen it.
Something is going on. I know what I believe. But I’m just sharing facts of what I’m seeing with my eyes ?
It’s time to wake up.
P.P.S. Ive not heard of ONE C case on this ward, but many people with the ? presenting these symptoms. I will share if I hear more. """
"The shedding is real".
No, not what some are trying to push on this site.
You can't declare something real and then say "we also data to know whether or not". No, it's not been proven real. It's speculation on top of more speculation.
"We are starting to see reports of people". No, we're starting to see people say "I had this friend who told me this" and "I saw people on social media post this". Those are not reports. Treating them as stone-cold fact is ridiculous.
It's a theory, but so many are now engaged in the dangerous notion of running around claiming it as a fact and a real thing. IT'S A THEORY.
And there are any number of reasons someone may have a side effect. You can't just jump to the one you want to believe and claim it as fact.
A spike protein is not a virus. It needs to be attached to a structure. A protein without a structure will denature when taken out of a cellular environment. Proteins function is not just decided by the amino acid chain they're built from, but how they fold. If they don't fold correctly they don't work. It doesn't take much to ruin this fold and denature them.