J & J paid out BILLIONS for giving women and babies carcinogens. Most low infos that got their chivi shot do not know that, because their TV did not tell them.
I'll bet even if they did know, they would still scratch each other's eyes out fighting to be first in line for the JJ shots.
To a liberal evidence is NOT actual evidence if it makes them feel uncomfortable.
They know da fax when they hear something that makes them all warm n fuzzy inside. No research needed. Weak will always take the path of least resistance.
We are oil and water. 2 Totally different frequencies.
J & J paid out BILLIONS for giving women and babies carcinogens. Most low infos that got their chivi shot do not know that, because their TV did not tell them.
I'll bet even if they did know, they would still scratch each other's eyes out fighting to be first in line for the JJ shots.
To a liberal evidence is NOT actual evidence if it makes them feel uncomfortable. They know da fax when they hear something that makes them all warm n fuzzy inside. No research needed. Weak will always take the path of least resistance.
We are oil and water. 2 Totally different frequencies.
Hell no can you trust them.
Tried to shove this up on r/youshouldknow but it was automod insta-removed..