I gotta tell ya, im really getting worn out with all these announcement pump fakes and big nothing burgers. IM about to just say wake me up when something happens, this shits making me sick. Im just focused on helping during the 2022 Florida elections.
I still believe, but the happening soon side of me is just about dead. Not sure how much talk I can handle, need action.
I got into this in January (ive been awake for like 15 years) but just got into the Q stuff then. I date fagged HARD on Jan 2oth. but thats the last time I ever did that
Me too. Fagging the 20th was logical. None of us could fathom going past that as Biden would have been CiC the moment he was sworn in and the MIL action would then be a full on coup.
But now we see that if Biden was never legit elected then MIL dont need to recognise him as President and it wouldnt be a coup.
Now we know its a free taste of Socialism we're getting as white hats carry out controlled demolitions of Cabalian assets all over the place.
I'm holding out for the AZ Audit. If nothing comes of that, then I dont know what to tell you. I cant see any reason or extra secret-part of the plan BS for screwing patriots over like that. Either AZ begins the dominos or Q was BS all along.