Oopsie! I suppose Dominion had to license it from Microsoft in order to use it on their machines. How truly inconvenient for Billy boy! I'd take the money and run, Melinda.
What was Seth Rich working on? What happened to Paul Combetta, Bryan Pagliano and Justin Cooper? Which Awan worked with Paul Ryan?
What is Epic Systems in Wisconsin? What is Zuckerberg’s “wife” working on? What did Anna Makanju do in Racine for Soros, Obama and the Clintons?
What is the Council on Foundations? What is the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and who started the Silicon Valley Bank? What is Wisconn Valley, why is Foxconn Industrial Internet based in Racine and Shenzhen, China - the other model community, and why are all Big Tech investing heavily in the Midwest? Why does Fii need so much water? Can water be used as a quantum computing device?
Who is in charge of the Billion Dollar Referendum? What did the family do for the Clintons? Why do the Rothschilds live in Racine and what was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name? Why is the international head of Shriners from Racine, and what is a Red Fez who were also characters on That 70s Show? What does Rotary do with the Gates Foundation? Why are Freemasons Rotarians? Who is Fred Gates and what was he doing in Racine and China? What was the purpose of The Fellowship? What was the purpose of NXIVM and why did the NXIVM practice around Racine? Who are the Knights of Pythias that Jeff Epstein was involved with? Why is Racine closely linked with Cornell and Dr. Fauci? What was the purpose of the Rockefeller Foundation and China Medical Board? Why was Sustainable Racine the model used to forge Agenda 2030?
Many of the most important decisions in the world have been made in Racine. They know the answers to these questions.
Oopsie! I suppose Dominion had to license it from Microsoft in order to use it on their machines. How truly inconvenient for Billy boy! I'd take the money and run, Melinda.
Racine, Wisconsin was the “root” and model pivot district to rig the swing states.
Brad Smith, the President of Microsoft and ElectionGuard, grew up in Racine.
The Truth has been shared since The Beginning.
This is why Joe Biden made the “highly unusual move” to personally endorse and help rig a Billion Dollar Referendum in Racine.
This is why Nancy Pelosi said this before the election -
This is also why Mayor Pete made the final pitch for Biden before the election.
He made the pitch in Racine, Wisconsin.
Shadow app go brrrrplumplinkplumb
This shadow app? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlueLink_(company)
What was Seth Rich working on? What happened to Paul Combetta, Bryan Pagliano and Justin Cooper? Which Awan worked with Paul Ryan?
What is Epic Systems in Wisconsin? What is Zuckerberg’s “wife” working on? What did Anna Makanju do in Racine for Soros, Obama and the Clintons?
What is the Council on Foundations? What is the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and who started the Silicon Valley Bank? What is Wisconn Valley, why is Foxconn Industrial Internet based in Racine and Shenzhen, China - the other model community, and why are all Big Tech investing heavily in the Midwest? Why does Fii need so much water? Can water be used as a quantum computing device?
Who is in charge of the Billion Dollar Referendum? What did the family do for the Clintons? Why do the Rothschilds live in Racine and what was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name? Why is the international head of Shriners from Racine, and what is a Red Fez who were also characters on That 70s Show? What does Rotary do with the Gates Foundation? Why are Freemasons Rotarians? Who is Fred Gates and what was he doing in Racine and China? What was the purpose of The Fellowship? What was the purpose of NXIVM and why did the NXIVM practice around Racine? Who are the Knights of Pythias that Jeff Epstein was involved with? Why is Racine closely linked with Cornell and Dr. Fauci? What was the purpose of the Rockefeller Foundation and China Medical Board? Why was Sustainable Racine the model used to forge Agenda 2030?
Many of the most important decisions in the world have been made in Racine. They know the answers to these questions.