Here's what all three of these practices have in common:
- They are all practiced by the elites in our society.
- They all promote deviant and depraved sexual activity as "acceptable" and "normal".
- They all involve sodomy.
- They all destroy the family unit.
- We have been/are being brain-washed to accept these practices as "new normals" in our society. The cabal's tireless promotion has reached saturation levels! Rampant homosexuality, rainbow flags everywhere, trannies in Hollywood & politics, drag queen story time in public schools, pressure to lower age of consent, pedo symbols everywhere, love is love regardless of age, the kids "enjoy" it/it's not harmful, etc.
- All three of these practices erode and undercut our relationship with God (our creator), His Son Jesus Christ (our Saviour) and the Holy Spirit (the Comforter). We cannot serve two masters. We need to reject these practices as the sins that they are and turn back to Jesus as our salvation from sin. He is the only Way to rid us from this bondage of sin.
Repent of your sins, accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and follow Him.
The New Testament contains separate documents and letters that circulated widely. “The Bible” was just putting the accepted letters together with the accepted Jewish scriptures. Plenty to argue about process-wise, but the books are clearly not written at the time of “the first Bible”. That’s just the compilation! The purpose of the Bible was mainly to fix which books would be standard and universally recognized as inspired. Nothing was written in 300 - it was just bound together in a single volume.
wasn't the bible also word of mouth for a thousand years before any of it was scribed? seems like what God told someone thousands of years ago might have just applied to them at that very moment, like "eating shellfish is an abomination", probably doesn't mean eaing shellfish is a sin today
that's why I think prayer is so important, its not just asking God for gifts, but also guidance on a very personal level that only He can understand
The 5 books of Moses were written and kept in the Ark of the Covenant for a time, stored there while the Israelites had the Ark.