Here's what all three of these practices have in common:
- They are all practiced by the elites in our society.
- They all promote deviant and depraved sexual activity as "acceptable" and "normal".
- They all involve sodomy.
- They all destroy the family unit.
- We have been/are being brain-washed to accept these practices as "new normals" in our society. The cabal's tireless promotion has reached saturation levels! Rampant homosexuality, rainbow flags everywhere, trannies in Hollywood & politics, drag queen story time in public schools, pressure to lower age of consent, pedo symbols everywhere, love is love regardless of age, the kids "enjoy" it/it's not harmful, etc.
- All three of these practices erode and undercut our relationship with God (our creator), His Son Jesus Christ (our Saviour) and the Holy Spirit (the Comforter). We cannot serve two masters. We need to reject these practices as the sins that they are and turn back to Jesus as our salvation from sin. He is the only Way to rid us from this bondage of sin.
Repent of your sins, accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and follow Him.
also downvotes dont mean crap when its hard to downvote, i dont even know how to downvote posts
the fact is most posts on the front page dont get downvotes at all, so yes your post is divisive and does not belong here
you clearly just came here to preach and not do any Q research and you dont want to have a conversation about it, just passive aggressive put downs like what an effeminate gay person would say, I bet God just loves watching you do that
unless you can point to me where Q says "being gay is evil" this is extremely off topic and looks like forum sliding
stop with this smug "everybody agrees with me, but also everybody is bullying me" attitude
I didn't say everyone is bullying me. I said homos don't like hearing that sodomy is sin. Then triggered homos try to bully me. But even they know that butt sex with other men is wrong.
Most people agree with this posting - read what they say. Maybe it is you that belongs in a gay chatroom.
Any way, I've wasted too much time on you. Arguing with homos is not why I post here. God bless you for the final time.
I read it, most people disagree with this post, read what they say.
Clearly you cannot be saved, you think too highly of yourself and look down on your fellow man like you are better than them. May God save you from your God complex. God bless you and God save us all.
Nice switcharoo. It’s still wrong
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