So I've made the decision that I am not touching any of the experimental vaccines for medical reasons. However, there is an option that uses the same technology as your traditional flu shot, the Valneva inactivated shot, which won't be available probably until the end of the year.
I'd love to know what people's thoughts are on this. Again, very much aware that Q's are vax leery, but curious to hear why you all think.
Explain why? This is essentially a flu shot. There's no nefarious NWO Bill Gates bullshit going on in this, unless you think that there's a vast conspiracy behind the polio vaccine and flu shots.
"Father of Inoculations" Jonas Salk Survival of the Wisest
Essential to understanding the Technocratic, Eugenicist, directed Plandemic. Part 2 of Survival of the Wisest. In this one, we go page by page and give a presuppositional critique of Salk's world view and his proposals for humanity. Why does he want to reduce the population, alter your dna/rna, and believes you need to be micromanaged.
Fascinating read.
You mean the polio vax that infected everyone with SV-40, responsible for soft-tissue cancers we see exploding today? Vaccines have never been safe nor effective. We are all infected with crap from them.
Telling people that it's basically the flu shot and expecting them to think it's okay then is hilarious. Why would you get a vaccine for the flu? Report back to your masters that we're a lost cause, we won't take any vaccine for a disease that isn't dangerous.
do you know how they come up with the flu shot every year? it's based on a prediction of how it will mutate. did you know that they were way wrong with the 2019/2020 prediction? my guess is they've been way wrong on that mutation prediction for years. and if you've ever wondered why some people who test positive for "covid" have no symptoms and some end up hospitalized on respirators, maybe it has something to do with being vaccinated for the wrong disease year after year after year, while those of us who have never had a flu shot and have survived the flu every year since 1968 are doing just fine. i'm not sure why people are so damn trusting of this system when it's proven over and over again that it doesn't care about your health. but the hard to swallow pill is that the pharmaceutical industry doesn't get rich off of making you well.