As you are certainly aware, the good Governor of Michigan imposed a travel restriction upon the citizens of Michigan, during which, she took a private jet to Florida for a little private getaway. Upon learning of this I became mildly annoyed, so, not having anything else in particular to occupy my attention, I decided to send her an email. Below is an exact copy of the email that I just sent moments ago.
Hey governor, hope you had a great time in Florida during the travel lockdown you imposed upon your peasants, I mean citizens. I understand you took a private jet, how nice for you. It must be wonderful to be numbered among the privileged elite, unfettered by the restrictions and requirements imposed on the commoners of lower station. I should probably have addressed you as, "Your Highness", or "Your Majesty", or better, "Empress Wretched", I mean gretchen. My apologies for my unintended insolence. I do have one small reservation concerning your junket to Florida. It would have been much more environmentally conscious of you to have taken a commercial flight so that you would have had a smaller carbon footprint. But, I suppose, when one is as exalted and preeminent as you are, the indulgence of taking a private flight, and traveling when all others have been restricted from doing so, can in no way be construed as acts of hypocrisy. After all, you are above such trivial matters, and cannot be encumbered with the affairs of the crude and worthless masses. I would fall down and worship at your feet, Empress witless, I mean whitmer, may you live forever, but I am beneath ever being granted the privilege of knowing your presence. May you reign forever.
Being a Michigander myself would mind if I posted this on faceless book for all my conservative friends and to just piss off those liberal candy asses?
With a good will, I am at your disposal Sir. Post to your hearts content.
Another Michigander here. Well done! I can’t wait until she gets her comeuppance
Me too, can’t stand her frozen face.
I feel your pain, not quite as deep as yours. I'm here in what could be the Great State of North Carolina. We have the illustrious Governor Stupor, uhmm I meant Cooper. Not quite as dictatorial as the vermin you have to put up with, he's just a corrupt moron. Take care my Fren, watch your six, and Godspeed.
You too! Hopefully this will be over sooner rather than later and we can focus on rebuilding our beautiful states and country! ?
Michiganders unite!