I dont think the vaccines are safe, thats why I'm avoiding getting it. But I live in liberal infested WA, and I personally know people who have gotten the vaccine 1 to 2 months ago, and they claim after the first few days of symptoms they were fine.
I'm willing to entertain the thought of this being a bioweapon but also people are surviving it. I stress this conversation because I sort of lost an argument/ failed to convince others it could possibly sterilize people or harm in other ways. I want to inform others but end up looking like a conspiracy nut. Need cold hard facts.
Just yesterday I posted about a family member proudly taking the vac, 3 weeks later, developing full blown leukemia. He will be lucky to survive. This just happened a couple days ago. You might wish to read the post.
If they think you need "cold hard facts" to justify why you don't want a wild science experiment injected into your body when you don't even need it, then they are beyond reasoning with. Such people are not rational enough to be worthy of your time. It's like arguing with someone who had dementia, and doing so is irrational as well. It just sucks you right into the madness.
Hang in there Shadow, we too are in WA, shaking our heads everyday about the terrified people here and the damn mask mandates. Seriously thinking of escaping to nearby Idaho.
Don't forget that they also need cold hard facts. If their arguments have just as little evidence as yours, then either argument could be closer to the truth.
SARS-CoV-2 is here to stay.
If the vaccine leaves you even more susceptible to being infected with the virus after the vaccine's immunity has worn off, as studies have shown, then I would imagine people will be getting the vaccine every 4-6 months for years to come. Or, there could be another "outbreak" if they do stop vaccinating and the vaxxed suddenly have weakened immunity to the virus. By then it will be endemic and will barely affect the unvaccinated.
Who's to say what will be in the second or third round of vaccines...
I'll try to watch your video. I was and still am under the impression that we are indeed facing a coronavirus that has been altered using gain of function research and was purposely released upon the public.
I'm most of the way through the video OP posted. It's basically the worst case scenario that some people predicted when this whole thing broke out, with the added twist that it doesn't matter if you got the vaccine or not, you're still gonna get fucked.
They said they save the good news for the end.. hope they have something good cuz that shit's pretty bleak.
I had a nose bleed that took 3 hospital trips and a week to get control of, AFTER my parents (who live with me and my kids) went and got the Moderna COVID shot after we had discussed th dangers and had assured me they weren't going to get any of these shots.
Within 2 weeks of them both getting the second shot, I started bleeding from my nose. And I'm not talking about a small bleed out from picking your nose or getting smacked on the nose. I'm talking I LOST 2 PINTS OF BLOOD over the course of 2 days with 3 E.R. trips. Had to go to 3 different E.R.'s just to get the proper treatment. It took having a Rhino Rocket inserted up my left nostril at these facilities, 3 different times. The first two facilities weren't leaving them in long enough. Oddly enough, it was a young ENT Dr at the Orlando V.A. that got it right. She had me tested for COVID, but it was negative.
But at no time did anyone stop to consider that maybe it was caused from "vaccine shedding" or outright transmission of whatever BIOWEAPON THESE SHOTS ACTUALLY ARE. It probably didn't even occur to them to ask or look into it.
I could've fucking died, and no one would've been the wiser that this was most likely caused from the Moderna COVID shot.
This all happened in March. Before most of these Dr's started getting together. And before most of these issues were brought out.
And [they] want to hide behind the term "anecdotal evidence???" At what point does the evidence cease to be "anecdotal" and becomes PROOF that this shit is evil? Just because these issues aren't being found in a "clinical" trial doesn't mean it's "anecdotal." THIS ALL IS THE TRIAL!
I've been closer to death than that before, actually flatlined once, but none of that scared me like this episode did. Seeing the look of horror on my 10 yr old daughters face as the blood flowed like a stream out of my nose is something I hope I never have to see again. And I hope she never has to witness anything like that from me.
My nose still isn't right. No more bleeds, but I'm still clearing out the mucus and crud this caused. It's still sensitive. I can feel something isn't right, even though it all "looks good."
And I'm freaking LIVID after hearing about nose bleeds being an issue with the "unvaccinated" when they have continued contact with the COVIDIOTS. That's what they are. COVID "vaxxed" IDIOTS!!!!
I dont think the vaccines are safe, thats why I'm avoiding getting it. But I live in liberal infested WA, and I personally know people who have gotten the vaccine 1 to 2 months ago, and they claim after the first few days of symptoms they were fine.
I'm willing to entertain the thought of this being a bioweapon but also people are surviving it. I stress this conversation because I sort of lost an argument/ failed to convince others it could possibly sterilize people or harm in other ways. I want to inform others but end up looking like a conspiracy nut. Need cold hard facts.
Just yesterday I posted about a family member proudly taking the vac, 3 weeks later, developing full blown leukemia. He will be lucky to survive. This just happened a couple days ago. You might wish to read the post.
If they think you need "cold hard facts" to justify why you don't want a wild science experiment injected into your body when you don't even need it, then they are beyond reasoning with. Such people are not rational enough to be worthy of your time. It's like arguing with someone who had dementia, and doing so is irrational as well. It just sucks you right into the madness.
Thanks for the reminder, they want us to be the guinea pigs. Surrounded by liberal zealots, its hard, makes you feel alone.
Hang in there Shadow, we too are in WA, shaking our heads everyday about the terrified people here and the damn mask mandates. Seriously thinking of escaping to nearby Idaho.
Unfortunate truth
Don't forget that they also need cold hard facts. If their arguments have just as little evidence as yours, then either argument could be closer to the truth.
Checkout market-ticker.org
Karl Denniger is excellent at compiling pages and pages of data and evidence on why the vaccine is dangerous.
Thanks fren!
SARS-CoV-2 is here to stay. If the vaccine leaves you even more susceptible to being infected with the virus after the vaccine's immunity has worn off, as studies have shown, then I would imagine people will be getting the vaccine every 4-6 months for years to come. Or, there could be another "outbreak" if they do stop vaccinating and the vaxxed suddenly have weakened immunity to the virus. By then it will be endemic and will barely affect the unvaccinated. Who's to say what will be in the second or third round of vaccines...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLpL_1tP5jM viruses arent contagious its all a hoax
vaccines are literally bio weapons https://miepbos.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/email-prik-2019.pdf
I'll try to watch your video. I was and still am under the impression that we are indeed facing a coronavirus that has been altered using gain of function research and was purposely released upon the public.
I'm most of the way through the video OP posted. It's basically the worst case scenario that some people predicted when this whole thing broke out, with the added twist that it doesn't matter if you got the vaccine or not, you're still gonna get fucked.
They said they save the good news for the end.. hope they have something good cuz that shit's pretty bleak.
yea man check it out... prepare to get fucking pilled
These aren't "vaccines" as NONE of them offer immunity.
You need to go back and rewatch this video.
And then start watching Dr Tenpenny's other videos. And then go search out the info being presented by the other 4 Drs in this, as well.
Watch it! And watch the others videos of them sharing their independent research. It will wake up the most woke folk!
I'm freaking furious now.
I had a nose bleed that took 3 hospital trips and a week to get control of, AFTER my parents (who live with me and my kids) went and got the Moderna COVID shot after we had discussed th dangers and had assured me they weren't going to get any of these shots.
Within 2 weeks of them both getting the second shot, I started bleeding from my nose. And I'm not talking about a small bleed out from picking your nose or getting smacked on the nose. I'm talking I LOST 2 PINTS OF BLOOD over the course of 2 days with 3 E.R. trips. Had to go to 3 different E.R.'s just to get the proper treatment. It took having a Rhino Rocket inserted up my left nostril at these facilities, 3 different times. The first two facilities weren't leaving them in long enough. Oddly enough, it was a young ENT Dr at the Orlando V.A. that got it right. She had me tested for COVID, but it was negative.
But at no time did anyone stop to consider that maybe it was caused from "vaccine shedding" or outright transmission of whatever BIOWEAPON THESE SHOTS ACTUALLY ARE. It probably didn't even occur to them to ask or look into it.
I could've fucking died, and no one would've been the wiser that this was most likely caused from the Moderna COVID shot.
This all happened in March. Before most of these Dr's started getting together. And before most of these issues were brought out.
And [they] want to hide behind the term "anecdotal evidence???" At what point does the evidence cease to be "anecdotal" and becomes PROOF that this shit is evil? Just because these issues aren't being found in a "clinical" trial doesn't mean it's "anecdotal." THIS ALL IS THE TRIAL!
I've been closer to death than that before, actually flatlined once, but none of that scared me like this episode did. Seeing the look of horror on my 10 yr old daughters face as the blood flowed like a stream out of my nose is something I hope I never have to see again. And I hope she never has to witness anything like that from me.
My nose still isn't right. No more bleeds, but I'm still clearing out the mucus and crud this caused. It's still sensitive. I can feel something isn't right, even though it all "looks good."
And I'm freaking LIVID after hearing about nose bleeds being an issue with the "unvaccinated" when they have continued contact with the COVIDIOTS. That's what they are. COVID "vaxxed" IDIOTS!!!!
I waiting to see what the story is behind this one.