So the depopulation agenda seems far-fetched if people do not understand how the elite actually work and what they want. And please do correct me or add anything to the conversation that I may have missed. But I just thought about this, wondering what Pats think. Also, I go on some tangents, sorry in advance.
When you're so rich, that money means nothing, where do they go?
Money is easy, control is everything
Satanic ritual abuse
And a series of a bunch of shit that we normal people have no understanding of because we don't have f you money, nor do we follow anything satan because he loses and I don't follow losers. But if you follow pattern recognition, everything they do from blackmail, to the FED, is all about control.
Overpopulation is total BS. Apparently, the whole population of the world can fit into the state of Texas. So... this is not a question of resources, but the absolute greed of these corporations who can pollute for cheaper than to pay for any sort of cleanup.
The operations and absolute greed are a mess, but the blame comes onto the people who had no say into how resources are split up, food scarcity to chosen countries, etc, are ALL decided through corps. We all know these decisions go to the Satanic elite. And we know these people are straight sociopaths, sons of Satan, and living by his will and wants.
Demonic Satanic Behavior:
Ask yourself- How does someone get into pedophilia or participate in this absolute demonic activity of abusing an innocent child? What do they get?
I think they do get something. I think there's some force known as Satan or some "luck" that these people get that translates into wealth, connections, jobs, companies, etc. It's like Pavlov's dog with a twist on using the human mind.
Do this, get these riches. Sociopaths are VERY easy to get this way. No feelings, no remorse, just give me what I want and I'll do anything.
Only once, and then you're good. Oh, btw, we have you on tape so do what we say. Keep up the torturing and raping kids, or else. I think we all know that's what happened with Epstein. I also think there are MANY people caught up in this where it seemed innocent, but they were hoodwinked and tricked. So now, they HAVE to play the game otherwise, everything is done. Terrible place to be with or without the intent.
But the depopulation agenda is the fruition of this craziness. The demonic satanic influences are now trying hard. But ask yourself, WHY?
I've heard the why kill everyone, you're going to need slaves. But how many slaves do you think these 2,000-3,000 elite actually need? Not as many as you think if you do the math.
The Real Problem, Front and Center for the Elite:
The real problem is CONTROL. This population is growing, not to outlast our resources or pollution. It is because the elite are losing control. 7-9 billion people are awfully hard to control, especially in these days of high tech. And what do we know about the Elite? CONTROL is Currency.
The time was coming fast. But I never actually thought about how control is truly the currency of the elite.
Trump was their taste of losing their tyrannical total control, and now they are going crazy because things are coming to light.
I just hope that most of these vaccines were taken out or put in with some saline solution instead of the real stuff, but who knows. Most of my family got it, so I guess either they're all gunna die, get really sick, or something disastrous... I'm constantly hopping around because another member of my fam got the vaccine, so now I have to go somewhere else. Now you're putting my health at risk. How ironic?
Hard to even accept even when I did my best to convince them to not get it, studies, articles, facts. Everyone does have their own autonomy and should decide for themselves.
But just like in the Bible, God says " my people are destroyed by their lack of knowledge." This is essentially what it is. Lack of knowledge due to censorship, media lies, etc. I tried my best to give them resources, questions to ask, etc, but the level of brainwashing and fear mongering was just too good. Truly, satanic.
Fear of 99.98% cure rate vs mRNA experimental vaccine, all of coronavirus vaccine trials failed due to DEATH. Coronovirus is very common, why haven't they figured it out? Ask the animals that question. But apparently, there was autoimmune responses against the cardiovascular system, brain, and other vital organs. Oh, but HCQ, Budesinide, Ivermectin, zpack... Oh, those work very well, but let's lie and kill thousands and say it doesn't work.
How many lies are people going to believe before you realize there is no trust whatsoever. They made us go to Iraq and justify killing 2 million innocent people over lies of 9/11, which THEY DID. That was my wakeup moment. When I realized how this evil is something we've never seen before. How dangerous it really is, and how they will do ANYTHING to get their way.
I tell my family- the mistake you're making is that you are comparing your moral compass with theirs. You have no idea of how a sociopath operates. It is Satan. No feelings, remorse, guilt, or a hint of feeling bad. I feel terrible if I don't open the door for a random grandma by accident. These people feel nothing for kids screaming in pain and fear. Gives me shivers down my spine, but they will face God when their time comes, and he is JUST. Hope he takes it easy on me tho, even though I don't deserve it... I've been far from perfect and trying to repent, but it seems impossible. Any tips on repenting would be greatly appreciated as well.
What's good is bad. What's bad is good. Girl can be boy. Boy can be girl. It is ALL inverted like Satan. It's everywhere. And I am not innocent, I was tricked earlier in my life, but now that I am getting a little older, I see the absolute lies of their ways.
Only thing I know I can do is try to get closer with the Lord. Try to live how Jesus would live. And try to live life apart from this "society" that was built on lies, greed, hypercompetitiveness, and lack of forgiveness. Think about how they designed this system? It's almost all AntiJesus. Every bit of it, and they invert it to use it for their control tactics.
Ok, ramble over. If you read down to here, let me know what you think about this. God bless.
Everything about The Great Awakening sounds far fetched UNTIL you view it thru the lens of The Cabal.
Networks. Its all about networks. From Satan to Saul Alinsky. Just as Satan was the first 'Community Organizer' getting a 3rd of heavens angles to rebel against God, Satan still works through those very same principles today. The Apostle Paul knew what he was talking about when he said "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." -Ephesians 6:12
He is speaking of networks. Satanic Networks. Connections. Wealth and Power.
This is how Satan could make the offer of giving all the world and its riches to Jesus, if He would bow down and worship. Those networks had been long established, thus Satan could deliver on the offer. An offer that has been used from the very beginning when Satan (known as Lucifer at the time) offered the angles 'a better way' ...
As for depopulation. Sin equals death. Go throughout history. When sin reigns, death soon follows. Satan better than anyone knows this. Gods word is true. Sin equals death. Therefor knowing Gods word is true Satan knows that by using his networks he can promote sin which will 100% guarantee death to follow. Israel learned this lesson again and again every time they turned from God and His commandments and sinned. Sin ran its coarse and Israel suffered as a nation. Sometimes to the point where they had no nation and were taken into captivity.
Nothing new under the sun ...
Now with the INTERNET ...catching on yet? What a marvelous invention the internet is. Networking? Oh you ain't seen nothing. Satan knows all about networking. And so does God, he warned us about networking ...
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. -Revelation 13
This is true knowledge. I always appreciate someone who can teach me something, and you sir, have opened my eyes a little more.
I mean I always knew how Satan was working through the internet, but many in ways that we didn't realize. For example, let's censor everyone who doesnt like Biden or the vax, but let's let internet porn rule the web. And then they do the whole sleeping with as many people as possible is the way. Be sexier. It's just all becoming way too clear how what Paul says is really what is happening.
Matthew 10:28- Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
It brings me comfort, but yet makes me know I have to better with my relationship with the Lord. I am trying to repent some of my bad habits and sins, but having a serious issue with knowing I'm not good enough, then with some guilt and self-hatred. You seem knowledgable, what are your thoughts on repentance? Any tips on how to do better?
the real meaning of the word 'sin' is miss the mark... in other words you miss true happiness... the church uses words like sin to make us feel guilty and hate ourselves ... negative emotions
the churchs focus is on negativity always..the death of Christ and not the resurrection... always Jesus on the cross instead of risen... Repentance means change of attitude.. you have already done that.. do not let the negative teachings of the church get you in their clutches. The early churches were places of repetition where the true teachings were repeated and learnt. Confession in private meditation or an acknowledgement that your attitude about something is wrong shines the light on that and it is dissolved.. without evil how would you know what good is? so dont worry about wrong attitudes and deeds in the past but how through them you learnt a better way.
guilt and self hatred are tools for the devil to use .. we are part of the Divine and Gods temple is within us... I am presuming this temple is the pineal gland...which is often covered in a white coating due to aluminium and chemicals in the water..fluoride...there are ways to remove this coating. Boron and probably other things.
Listen to this ...
IDK... I think we are getting carried away. I think the “kabal” is certainly real and after control, but I am not so sure “depopulation” to 500M is a realistic goal if they want to stay in charge. They would need a LOT of industry to keep them in slaves, landscapers, pool boys, waiters, waitresses, cement contractors, builders, tool makers, weather forecasters, computer techs, chip makers, auto mechanics, airplane and airplance component builders, roofers, lawn chair makers, welders, tire manufacturers, furniture makers, road and bridge builders, clothiers, chefs, farmers, fertilizer manufacturers, yacht builders, radar and GPS makers and on and on and on. Not only those, but all the people that make the components to those and all the people who deliver those and all the people that install and operate those. The world as we know it needs all the people that make the world as we know it. Take a ton of those out, and the world as we know it ceases to exist, as we know it. The Kabals quality of life will go down the tubes too. I don’t see it, sorry.
I would've said that you were right 10 yrs ago, but we are in a totally different age. This is why they are doing the "Great Reset". The tech is catching up with their needs. You can build buildings and houses with robots now. It is absolutely crazy. You can get a self driving car within 5 years. That's a lot of slaves that are out of work.
If people think and go get an experimental mRNA vaccine that had no animal trials, and previous coronvirus vaccines were shut down due to death and autoimmune conditions, it definitely sets off alarm bells. Like tornado warning sirens.
And remember, Bill Gates' family has been in the depop business for a long time. Planned Parenthood, eugenics. Check out how many abortions and babies they are killing per YEAR. Do the math and see how many lives they ended, you will be astounded. Obviously Im assuming you're pro-life, but I can't be certain. I still believe abortion is God's call, not any of ours.
This one organization is on the same level as the top genocidal dictators in history. Put that into context. Evil is evil. This is evil. And people are listening to a sociopath in Bill Gates, like they forgot who he was at microsoft before they did this whole Bill and Melinda Gates fake philanthropy money embezzling scheme they've been doing this whole time.
Bill Gates makes 20-1 return on vaccines. Look at what he does with the companies he invests in. Jeffrey Epstein close confidant. Name a business that gives that much return, most of them are in the drug business or something seedy.
I don't trust them with a hair on my head. I don't fear them, because I know who wins and I want to follow his way. But the level of evil is astounding, intelligent, and way smarter than any of us. That's one fear I have. That I won;'t be able to recognize the evil before it is too late. And if this vaccine which I really hope was either stopped or at least muted, or doesn't kill as many as 100% of human that took it like it did with the animals.
I just can't believe they pulled this off so far. I called bullshit the day it came on the news and the MSM was spouting that fear campaign. One yr later, all of their lies, stats, all incorrect, and people STILL believe them. I just don't get it.
Also, take a look at the Georgia guidestones. It'll make your hair stand up when you read the population agenda if you havent seen it yet.
Who is going to build the robots and the self driving cars? The Mars rockets? I was in the robotic business adn I am telling you this shit doesn’t build itself. If Bill Gates wants depopulation, he can start with his own kids. I am still not biting.