Any tech savvy frens care to explain why auditing election routers would impact any organization other then the elections office?
I’m confused. Why are the routers even interacting with the sheriffs office? Sorry if a stupid question but what kind of info would be stored on a router? I understand logs for election night but more asking what govt sensitive information?
Routing tables if they aren’t deleted will show traffic and ip addresses
Right I get it, for the election. How does that impact law enforcement and why is law enforcement connected to election routers? I feel like that argument should be stopped in its track with a technical explanation that they sheriff is out to lunch with his claims.
They would also potentially show up any security permissions that were provided to allow access from outside the network to the servers, along with how many hits those rules got.
Plus, logging servers would be listed by IP adress, which would reveal where they could look for more detailed syslog data.
Of course, if there wasn't much in the way of security set up that would also be useful information as to the competency of the admins.
I guess they could argue the router is the service provider’s equipment on the premises!
Like a deep state ILEC (at t
Only if they could prove the leases or rentals, with reciepts or invoices. And the ISP would have to be in on it.
Reminds me, a long time ago I worked as a computer guy for Shawnee County Health Agency, Topeka, KS. I once went to one of our Health Clinics and removed their router as per instructions from my Boss. We were going to replace the Router later on during the day. Got a nasty call from the Mayor ordering me to put it back or I would be on the carpet. It seems the Sheriffs Office was piggy backing off the network Router at the Health Clinic and they were raising all sorts of hell. They did that to save money! I don't know about election Routers though!
Im n0t tech savy but I think 2 million d0nated to the sherriff's election by Soros and company might be the answer to this bullshit.
Soros spent more than that to get him in.
I haven’t kept up with why they want access, but be aware that lawful intercept is a router feature.,the%20lawful%20intercept%2C%20the%20router%3A%0Aa.%20Examines...%20More%20
If the routers were configured to log and record access to the router (and most are) the saved logs could prove unauthorised access. There should be no external access in this situation.
same applies to the actual voting machines, the syslogs tell the tales
I'm sure he is in that office to be an ace in the hole at times like this.